4 weeks ago
The further and continuing adventures of the girl who sat in the back of your homeroom, reading and daydreaming.
Aliens may exist but mankind should avoid contact with them as the consequences could be devastating, British scientist Stephen Hawking warned Sunday.Oh, hells yes. ET may be calling us but we shouldn't answer the phone!
Even Tesla burned up a few things in his life and the owlr would be crap without his inventions....Yeah, man, nothin' worse than a crappy owlr, sez I. Ruins the whole flonging amichimbo, donnit?
The demand for mass transit in Indianapolis appears to be well ahead of the supply. Ridership on IndyGo's inadequate lines was up 5 percent in the first quarter from a year ago, [...].It's reasonable for me to subsidize a service I never use? How's that? The editorial goes on to point out that Charlotte, North Carolina runs over twice as many buses on half the budget, which suggests (to me; certainly not to Mr. High-Minded Editor*) that IndyGo can follow their lead, reduce their budget of a quarter of what it is now, and not need taxpayer support.
Finances, however, remain a challenge. The key to building a strong transit system is to decouple funding from property taxes, which now account for 25 percent or more of IndyGo's money.
Although it's reasonable to expect riders to pay for a portion of the cost of bus and rail lines, taxpayers will have to continue to underwrite the mass transit budget, just as they do now for most other municipal services.
...I've thought about attending one of these teabagger rallies and shooting a gun into the air, then stepping back and observing how many of these open-carry jerks pull their weapons and start shooting each other. Of course, I'd never do that, but mark my words: there is going to eventually be a bloodbath at one of these rallies....
When the 1968 gun control act passed, my dad had to stop selling ammunition in his grocery stores (yes, we used to sell ammo in our convenience stores!).Sigh.