I think it's a sign of something. Age, probably. Sunday, I started in straightening up my bedroom and I kept finding purses and bags and the occasional laptop case. Eventually I had a big storage tub full of them even after throwing out the worn-out ones.
Once I finish, I guess I'll go through them one more time, sort out a few useful ones, and take the rest to Goodwill. Didn't expect to find so many!
2 months ago
Before donating them, consider them 'all dead' and go thru the pockets to check for loose change.
Me: A laptop bag and a laptop backpack (use the former for "everyday" and the latter for flying)
Her: So. Many. Purses.
"New purse?"
"Yes, it's to go with ". Or, "It's for the party next week." Or, "Eff you, I just liked it; it's purple/pink/has a dolphin on it."
Nobody told me marriage would mean so many purses. :D
(Sorry, that first new purse was "Yes, it's to go with [outfit du jour]." I hate the way Blogger handles lt and gt angle brackets.)
How are you fixed for holsters??? :)
I have too many holsters that aren't very good, and too few that are. The pocket holster I keep my purse gun in is wearing out and needs replacement; it's main function is to cover the trigger guard, so it's not as difficult a thing to find as a good IWB holster.
I after paying off the mortgage, decided to remove the junk and excess - hired College Hunks and they took all I had prepared for removal, after they departed - I found more they should have taken with them, amazing how much it seems like digging into the past. I need to keep on digging, before my heirs have to find out what my life was really like.
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