"I will not read Ross Macdonald novels in the bathtub. I will not read Ross Macdonald novels in the bathtub. I will not read Ross Macdonald novels in the bathtub."
The problem is that I start reading about the adventures of PI Lew Archer and the next time I look up from the book, it's forty minutes later, I'm soaking in cold water and I've made a good start on turning into a prune.
I have the same problem with Terry Pratchett's "Discworld" books.
2 months ago
At my age I'm turning into a prune without the benefit of having a bath... last time I had one of those was... erm... nope, no idea. Maybe ten years ago.
Better than nodding off and waking up submerged with a nose full of suds and a sodden library book.
Just started rereading Terry's novel "Strata". I have an old science fiction book club hard bound copy and the dust jacket is in pretty good shape. Not getting it anywhere near something wet.
I digress; I needed a good laugh to keep up my spirits until this coming Tuesday. And the story has done just that.
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