I was going to do a deep-dive think piece on the incoming President's Cabinet proposals and other high-level choices, but -- really? Do I have to? A guy who claims not to have washed his hands in ten years because "he's never seen a germ" and he is "inoculating himself;" another who doesn't believe in vaccines or fluoridation is put up to be in charge of public health; a woman who carries water for the Russians and Red China slated to oversee our intelligence agencies; a puppy-shooter to run Homeland Security* and a widely-rumored sex pest who barely dodged a House ethics investigation for Attorney General.
Those are just highlights. I expected partisanship; that's not unusual. I expected he'd insist on personal loyalty bordering on devotion. I did not expect slap-in-the-face incompetence and unqualification.
If it wasn't happening in my own country, it would be fascinating to watch it all come unstuck. Which it will. What the price tag might be, in dollars and international standing, in the loss of domestic tranquility, that remains to be seen. I can tell you who will pay it, and it won't be anyone in the halls of power. It will be you and me, no matter who we voted for.
* Hey, you can shoot your own dog. Depending on circumstances, I will think ill of your for it, but you do generally have that right. This nation's law enforcement agencies do not, however, have a real good record for not shooting other people's dogs, even when the dog is properly restrained or kenneled. It's a small thing, but it's indicative of the general trend.
2 months ago
It's interesting to see how Trump blew it right out of the gate. I suspect that his intention was to do his version of the "Putin at Stalin's dacha" right off the get go, sending a message that he's back, and Congress better get with his program if they know what's good for them.
It's the sorta macho posturing that looks like it should work, but doesn't. People do not like being coerced and cajoled into doing what they were willing to do in the first place, people with power doubly so. Shoving Jailbait Gaetz down their throats now will create a lot of Congressional animosity that will come back to bite later.
I fear we will pay for it in a great loss of life and liberty. I hope I am wrong.
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