Beclowned by disappointing Todd Rokita, who was once a pretty reliable, mildly-conservative, mildly-libertarian politician.
That guy is long gone, burned on the altar of his own ambition. He was leaning farther and farther Right before Trumpism sped him up, before the Covid pandemic spun him harder, and these days, well, follow the link to see the flexible office-holder flexing that our state is a place, "...where we can raise our children as God intended, without interference by woke schools, doctors or courts...where we are no longer vaxxed or masked."
Yesirree, Todd considers the unchecked spread of disease as a gift from his personal conception of the Supreme Being, a being to whose tender mercies he, as a holder of public office, would subject each and every Hoosier -- Protestant, Catholic, Buddhist, Muslim, Sikh, Hindu, agnostic, Unitarian, atheist or whatever.
I, personally, happen to be vaccinated against everything I can get a shot for. At 66, I still remember rheumatic fever* at age five, chicken pox at eight, mumps at ten: you don't want any of these. If Todd wants to be open to the possibilities of shingles, Covid or HPV (etc.), I'd like to encourage him to pursue it, but he can bugger right off if he wants to extend his crazy ideas to the rest of his fellow Hoosiers.
This is what happens when a political party embraces a feelings-based, anti-science, anti-expertise approach: performative crazy, from cynical politicians who know better. Medical privacy being what it is, we'll never hear from Mr. Rokita's physician, but I'm betting he's not skipping any shots; he's just pandering to where he thinks the votes are, to a base he expects will keep on falling for it.
* There's no vaccine for this one. It's an autoimmune disease, often in response to a strep infection, and it can come back for more later. And colds can often leave you vulnerable to strep. So leave me out of your "Let's all share viruses," lovefest. I'm profoundly disinterested.
1 month ago
I was one in '48 when my mother was almost totally paralyzed. I grew up taking care of her....always in the presence of her love, grit and indomitable spirit.
Oh but utter puling moronic idiocy of these clowns who deny a reality unknown to them but so dreadful in effects. Franklin: Experience is a dear school, but fools will learn at no other.
We have created economic guard rails in the bitter past; they want to remove them to "make" more money. We have created miraculous public health step by hard won step in the 20th century but they want to gut it and make money from it. Would that there was a Jeremiah to rain lightning bolts, but no, we have exactly what Hannah Arendt spoke of: the banality of evil.
If the "utter puling moronic idiots" (to borrow a phrase), are coming for us, they had better be ready for a fight.
This Vietnam vet won't back down. Ever. So another four years in the trenches holding the line.
In 1948 on a stump speech, "One of Truman’s supporters called out, “give ‘em hell Harry!” Truman replied, “I don’t give them hell. I just tell the truth about them [Republicans], and they think it’s hell.”
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