No matter which half of the Running-Things-Party you find yourself voting for, they've voted to dink with your civil rights, one way or another. And when they argue over money, so far it's only over how much more of your money to take and spend, not about taking less of it. (Or over how much new money to print, thereby robbing everyone of some fraction of the value of what they've already got.)
--I realize you did your level best to pick the least bad option but let's be realistic: neither one is all that good and every other party is nothing but also-rans. Sure, the GOP won't take your guns (mostly. Have you met Republican Congressthing Peter King of New York? ) but they're not going to spy on you any less.
This is exactly why the Dems and GOP hate one another so very, very much (and their supporters even more so): they're really after the same thing, just differently-packaged. Is it any wonder they so frequently deadlock, like two stray cats after the same chipmunk? Only difference is, the chipmunk sometimes gets away; we're stuck, and Room 101 is a bipartisan endeavor.
2 months ago
On the record, CongressThing King is a RINO. Or, as Jennifer describes it, a "Democrat in All But Label Only." For King, I would go with DIABLO.
We shall have to wait and see, but I suspect Obama's governance by tantrum is unlikely to retain followers of either Party. Even DIABLO's.
The more so since some few people have found out what ObamaCare will cost them. Besides their lives.
Frankly, a kinetic strike on the Capitol during the State of the Union address would not be unwelcome at this juncture.
Peter King is a RINO from NEW YORK CITY! Think of what kind of Shenanigans he messed with to get his job in THAT HELLHOLE!
But as long as both Parties keep eating at each other, isn't that better than one of them being in Charge and coming after US?
Great point Lady!!!
Nitpick for Bubblehead Les: Actually Peter King is a suburban Congressbeing.
Uhhh, HOW kinetic? I live approx. 45 miles from the capital dome....
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