...Cats will love you. Especially if you use an electric blanket. I laid down last night and in a matter of minutes, had a great big yellow tiger tomcat on my shins and a tortie next to me: Huck and Rannie. Rannie was especially friendly, smoothing on my hand and settling down to nap with her chin pillowed on it. Huck still takes a dog-like approach to napping with me, preferring to sleep near the foot of the bed.
Overnight low -- and the afternoon high -- both in the teens yesterday. Last time I looked, we were supposed to reach the twenties today, and then sharply colder. Overnight temperatures below zero either tonight or tomorrow night.
Spring is thirty days away. Winter's not leaving without a fight.
2 months ago
That's fine as long as they don't hook their claws in the heating elements, THEN things tend to go rodeo! :-)
Sparrowbane likes to get under the covers, Minnie is not down with this whole "sleeping in or on the bed" thing. Not sure why.
When I lived up in Maine the largest cast were the most welcome - more body heat & all that.....
My cat and my wife both share the same inability to notice that I've not altered the thermostat setting regardless of how cold it is outside.
So when there is a snow storm outside both start acting like they are trying to survive in Donner Pass.
At Roseholme Cottage, the 1920s design -- which included a coal furnace heating up the basement, sending warm air up the two long outside walls -- means there's a good though not total correspondence between outside temperature and the temperature of the outside walls. That's enough to convince the cats they need to sleep where it's warmest.
Modern furnaces are more efficient but I really need to get one of those big electric heaters that looks like an old-fashioned steam radiator for the basement.
If the chimney liner is good and you can tie a flue into it without major masonry/surgery, why not a coal or multifuel stove? They are making some pretty impressive ones nowadays....
Our Jack Russell/beagle mix likes to crawl under our blankets, too. But dang does she shed!!! yuck...
The gooberment is trying to outlaw most types of wood/coal stoves. Maybe pellet stoves aren't on the chopping block, but I wouldn't bet on it.
OK...I didn't say that right. Outlaw most kinds of NEW wood/coal stoves. I made that sound like they were going to kick in your door if you dared light up grammy's ole potbelly.
They are saving that for NEXT week, LCB. And are adding "Do you have a wood-burning or coal-burning fireplace or stove?" to the mandatory questions for doctors to ask under the Obamacare requirements.
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