Self-entitled jerks, for one thing. Like the guy who walked in front of me on my way home from work last night.
Indiana law and Indianapolis ordinances are pretty clear: if a pedestrian is in a marked crosswalk when traffic approaches, the pedestrian has the right of way. And if the crossing has signal, a pedestrian is not supposed to start crossing unless the WALK light is on. Seems pretty clear, right? Solves the problem of getting caught in the middle when the light changes, even. Conversely, if you choose to cross against the lights or outside the crosswalk, you're on your own, bub; the law will not shield you from your folly.
So picture me entering a block in my car on a green light. There's another light at next intersection and it's green, too. It's a one-way street four lanes wide and I was one lane in from the farthest left. Needed to turn left two blocks on, so I looked, signaled, pulled out -- and hit my brakes. Two or three car-lengths up, a fellow carrying a sandwich was doing an Eliza-crossing-the-ice through traffic and stepped right out in front of me. He never broke step, but shook a fist at my car and yelled "Heads up!" at me as I came to an abrupt stop. I'm afraid I may have uttered something less than complimentary in return as I got underway.
City blocks aren't that big. Flesh and bone isn't that strong. Play dodgem with a ton or more of moving steel, or walk to the damn light and wait? It seems like simple math.
Some people don't want to work it out except in person. Besides, you wouldn't dare hit them, would you?
Sure wouldn't want to, mister -- but if I'd still been driving my old car, we might've both had a much worse evening, and not for any lack of trying to avoid it on my part.
Have a nice day.
2 months ago
Bless his heart.
I'm so sick the jerks that cross against the crosswalk signal, but THINK that just because they are in a crosswalk that they have the right of way. GRRRR!!!!
It would have been worth the hassle to hit him, just to see the look of surprise on his face.
Well, maybe not. But I'm grinning just thinking about it :-)
Inevitably the frog always got squashed in "Frogger".
I have had similar experiences. My response is to lay on the horn...and hold it down. When they respond, I smile, and wave. Always makes my day.
He never broke step, but shook a fist at my car and yelled "Heads up!"
Doesn't Indiana have some sort of "Threatening words or gestures" law?
I hope his lout got a "You're Number One" in response to his gestures. (Done in a wholly-ladylike manner of course.)
Yep, Bless his heart... :-) And I hope his organ donor card is up to date...
Testing the theory that one is supposed to yield the right of way to pedestrians even when they don't actually have it...?
Locally we have a couple of mid-block crosswalks. They come equipped with pedestrian-activated flashing yellow lights, if the light's flashing, "Yield to Pedestrian." There is a small island mid-street; if the crosswalk is empty traffic s clear, even if the light is flashing...
One day on the way to the store the light is flashing, and some jackwagon is standing in the middle of the street having a staring contest with traffic.
On then way back, he's standing on the sidewalk, pushing the button but not crossing.
Pedestrian analog to Critical Massholes?
He was doing the asshole stroll, just to show you who's boss.
Perhaps he is from some other state that has different ped laws? Here in CA, if their foot hits the pavement, they have the right of way. A crosswalk just makes them even more special, or at least gives them a fighting chance of being noticed by traffic. I'm not clear if the flashing go/no go signs at intersections have any force of law on peds, as they are universally ignored by all.
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