Sunday, January 27, 2019

Leftovers, Fried

     Fried rice:
     The rice is leftover from last night's Cajun delivery dinner; fried along with some soy sauce with vegetables from a "Geek Salad" deli medley from the day before yesterday -- red and yellow bell peppers, cherry tomato, zucchini, red onion and black olive -- plus bacon, some leftover corned beef, and two eggs, one scrambled in and the other fried flat.

     For seasoning, there were a few crumbs of feta cheese and olive oil on the veggies, plus chives, parsley, cilantro (not to everyone's taste -- if you have never had it, check before using! It's a genetic thing), dehydrated celery and fresh-ground black pepper.  Remarkably good for something thrown together from what I had in the fridge.

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