It is more and more difficult to find anything to write about that hasn't already been beat to death. Those dead horses aren't going to rise again. I, on the other hand, need to go get dug in.
So I will.
3 weeks ago
The further and continuing adventures of the girl who sat in the back of your homeroom, reading and daydreaming.
Not many people could work the Russian Empire, the British Empire and Alexander the Great into a post about Afghanistan.
Everyone needs a break now and then, but I hope you don't hang up your keyboard. You would be missed.
Thank you. While that's gratifying to read, it also bothers me a little: knowing history is crucial to understanding world events.
Anyone seeing or hearing "Afghanistan" should feel a sense of the long tangled history of the place, back through centuries, and how that has shaped the people who live there now. Picking up a "50,000-foot view" of the story of a region or country is fast and easy these days; we've all got libraries and historians, tourism boards and eyewitnesses right inside our phones and computers.
If I do nothing else, I will be happy if I have given my readers a sense of the vast and stunning sweep of history and geography, and how accessible it has become.
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