The world has gone crazy and I don't want to deal with it.
An example: Indiana is at an historic low in COVID-19 cases right now, like all of the U.S. and at least one in-state blogger is complaining that the Indiana State Board of Health website has switched to reporting cases, hospitalizations and so on per 10,000 instead of per 100,000. It's right there on every chart; they're not hiding it. Cases, hospitalizations and deaths have fallen so low that the only way to have whole-number divisions on the charts is to count them per ten thousand instead of per hundred thousand and this nitwit's complaining, on the basis that "it inflates the numbers."
It does nothing of the sort. It makes them clear, and if it confuses the innumerate, well, they've been confused for years now; this isn't going to leave them any worse off.
And that's one of the least crazy and sad things I have seen recently. We got a new Supreme Court Justice and did not alter the balance of the Court in the slightest -- and Republican Senators are peeved about it, peeved enough for a couple of them to pull silly stunts in the confirmation vote which did nothing to change the outcome. Go hold a press conference and articulate your fears of the scarrrrrry black woman* if you need to, but perform the duties of your office with a little damn gravitas, willya? It's the same standard to which I hold every Senator and Representative, and which so many of them in both parties fail to achieve.
* There's a remarkable amount of overlap between the people objecting to the latest Supreme Court Justice and the people who were irked at the well-deserved retirement of the "Aunt Jemima" pancake mix mascot, which tells me a lot more about them than I enjoy knowing.
4 weeks ago
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