Tuesday, March 25, 2025

I Suppose I Should Comment

     The thing is, when top Federal intelligence and defense officials plan international military action:

A. Using their personal cellphones and not the secure means and methods OPSEC and general good practice require, and which Uncle Sam provides them at considerable effort and expense;

B. Via an inherently insecure commercial service;

C. In plain, clear language;

D. Having somehow inadvertently added a journalist to the group;

E. While one of the other members of the group is apparently in Moscow (and not the one in Idaho);


F. The Speaker of the House all but laughs it off as a little peccadillo, an oopsie that they'll learn from;


G. The President and his closest advisor do much the same;

     I got nothin'.  It's Amateur Hour and the grand prize is everybody's future.  This is an Executive Branch filled with thugs, nitwits, religious and pseudo-scientific kooks, racists and rigid ideologues.  Their incompetence may be their least appalling shortcoming.

     It will be a wonder if this bunch manages to avoid stumbling into another pandemic, a global depression, a world war or something unexpectedly worse.  They have already done irreparable harm to U.S. military and commercial alliances, our Defense industry and the useful functions of the Federal government.  There are 588 days until the midterms, 1,323 days until the next Presidental election and until then, we have got to get by with an Executive Branch that is not simply embracing a radically different political philosophy but is actively bad at their jobs; a largely supine Legislative Branch that only might toughen up after the 2026 elections, and a Judicial Branch with willing enablers larded through it from bottom to top.

     I'd like to have a clever comment.  I really would.  But all I can think is that there's nowhere to go when (or, with enormous good luck, only if) these clowns screw up even worse.  At least Casey Jones's fireman could judge the right moment to leap off the locomotive; at least the crew of a shot-up B-24 over WW II Europe could try to get out and parachute down.


Joe in PNG said...

And sadly, the simps will continue to huff copeium as they sail down Denial, juggling double standards. Because it's not a bad thing when Their Guy does it!

Stewart Dean said...

And the Atlantic magazine has committed the ultimate sin to such conmen: they've blown the gaff, made it clear they're incompetent idiots, shown them to have stepped on their dicks with cleated golf shoes in front of God and everyone with a room temperature IQ or better.
That's stones. May the Atlantic survive such a heinous unforgivable act. And may it matter as much as the price of eggs.

Joe in PNG said...

It's frustrating as a Republican to see 'my side' dump their principles for what they think is power. And in doing so they are unable to actually understand that they are now functioning without the morals they used to pretend to have- and have actually become the very thing they used to rail against.
Hold up one of the classic principles as a standard to be followed, and they'll pay affirmative lip service. Hold a Democrat to that standard, and they insist on full compliance, no excuses accepted.
But hold Trump or his admin to that standard, and they turn to elusive, slippery eels, squirming and wiggling; spouting copious amounts of excuses and yeahbutting. Call them on their hypocrisy, and they get mad.