Saturday, March 22, 2025

Will They? Won't They?

     Coming along at the tail end of the Baby Bloom is colossally bad timing.  Oh, it could have been worse; my parents were born within a couple of years of 1929's "Black Friday" stock market crash and grew up in a Depression that morphed into a World War -- and their older siblings, well....

     Nobody escapes some kind of bad timing.  But I managed to reach the date for full Social Security benefits just in time for the various agencies and departments of the Federal government to be thrown into chaos.  Bingo, right on the nose.  I applied without much hope, was surprised when the first payment showed up, and a little relieved when the various cards and Informative Brochures arrived.  Will the payments keep on coming?  Don't ask me; the present top man at SSA has been playing a game of chicken between "DOGE" and court orders, suggesting he might have to shut the whole thing down, relenting, and then allowing as how he just isn't quite sure.

     It's uncomfortable for me -- but I haven't had time to get used to the eagle flying like clockwork one Wednesday a month, every month.  Ahead of me, as always, is that great big cohort of Baby Boomers.  One of the Administration's zillionaire department heads recently opined that good, decent, virtuous older folk would just take it in silence if the money stopped, and the only complainers would be cheats and frauds -- and all I've got to say to that is, dude, do you know any Boomers at all?  They started getting loud in the 1960s and most of them have never shut up.  Stiff 'em on their Social Security, and they'll go right back to the kinds of things they were doing in the day, only grouchier, meaner, a little more slowly, and with a whole lot more lawyers.


JustMusing said...

No checks will be the straw that breaks the camels back; a quantum shift that will shove it up T****p's A****** with a blunt golf club.

Cop Car said...

My (Boomer) children were not old enough to be a part of the protests of the '60s, but I'm hoping that they soaked up the spirit by second-hand exposure. For the past decade or more, I've been protesting via email & phone to my elected members of both sides of congress, but they seem to be stuck on the felon in the Whitehouse. I may have to get out my orthopedic shoes to go march, myself!

Alvin Maine said...

I agree totally. At retirement and some years more one thing you don't want is interruptions in your pay. As a veteran... You don't mess with your troops pay, mail or food. And yet here we are.

Joe in PNG said...

It's probably going to take a while for some of Trump's older supporters to really grok what's happening- the cope will hold them as they sail on down Denial.
Eventually, MAGA's Blame Biden & Harris Would Be Worse excuses will wear thin as the prices go up while the money goes down.
And some will go from being mad at us because we're warning them about this to becoming really mad at us because we were right- with a few getting super mad for not warning them.