I keep seein' this in politics and I don't like it -- the winning side keeps right on kickin' the losers long after the election (or whatever issue) is over.
Dogs roll in dead things, I thought people had more sense. Wrong again.
...Even a quick 'net wander (at the intersection of "Rahm Emanuel" and "Dick Cheney," who really do have rather a lot in common, personality-wise) turns up the most astounding vitriol. Hey, you guys know who segregated the Federal government? Progressive Democrat Woodrow effing Wilson, that's who. (Opposed in Congress by Republican John J. Rogers, btw). And y'know who called out the troops to desegregate schools? Dwight dammit Eisenhower. What's that do for your neat, inaccurate little worldview of white-hatted heros and black-hatted villians?
(NB: and yes, it is an issue when your guy cranks up the 'stat in the White House to rolled-up-shirtsleeves level and chows down on a super-expensive steak dinner after chiding us proles over keeping our houses at 72 degrees and eating as much as we want. Geez, at least Dick Cheney will say "go (bleep) yourself" directly -- and when that glorious day comes when I can afford to keep my house any more comfortable than 65- 68 in Winter and 75+ in Summer, I'll hold a press conference. It's also of concern that members of the party that claims to be ever so compassionate keeps beating up the defeated, even while hectoring everyone in earshot about the importance of "caring" and "reaching out," not to mention makin' sure that every bum gets some free condoms at my expense. I'm not much of a fan of the Republicans but the Democrats? Tellya what, as far as I am concerned their office-holders and party leadership can all, severally and each, get stuffed, thrice, sideways, with extra carborundum powder. On an hourly basis).
Politicians, worse than body lice; worse than skin fungus. And, worse yet, their blind partisans. Both sides will hate me for it but at any point in my lifetime, there's not been anything in Washington this country wouldn't have been better off without. Leave not a stone upon a stone and sow the ground with salt -- we have more or less adequate State governments, closer to home, a lot less "professional" and much easier to picket, yell at and vote in and out of office.
2 months ago
Until someone finds out who actually said this (and I think someone other than me did) this is mine:
In a democracy you have the right to elect those who oppress you.
-Shermlock Shomes
I have many ideas on how best to deal with 'politicians', but they are all moot. Since the schlubs have placed themselves in position to makes all the rules that effect themselves, what we say or think is meaningless.
Except for that one last eventuality, and that carries a suitably high price.
I still fondly recall the days of the fed gov shutdown. That was so nice.
They should do it more often.
I really think that you should tell us how you feel, Roberta. Don't hold back, now.
Actually, you've described the politicians up here in the Great White North, too. The only difference is that Canadian pols can only do so much harm ... far less than their American cousins.
Keep after them, young lady. It's the only thing we can do.
Glad to see you're back in form! Looks like a little R&R (and the right meds) does good.
TW: geonol™
Anti-volcanism suppository for the supression of global warming. "Last time I saw Al Gore, he was headed to Alaska with a C-17 full of Geonol."
Roberta, Will you marry me?
that would just give you another slacker to be pissed off at! :D
Add a healthy scoop of "you brought this on yourself, you know", and you've pretty much got the atmosphere coming out of Washington right now. I used to think I was lucky for being born after Carter left office; now, I'm not so sure. I've got to take everyone's word for it that we'll get through this.
"It is terrible to contemplate how few politicians are hanged."
-G.K. Chesterton
Adding a couple of details to your first paragraph rant here.
Eisenhower sent the troops to Little Rock to defy a Democrat governor (Orville Faubus). And OwlGore, Sr. voted against the various civil rights acts of the early '60s.
And yes, I get a little tired of the D's telling me what a reprehensible human being I am.
Nothin' wrong with politicians of either stripe a quick jaunt out the airlock without a suit won't cure.
wv: "protion" one o' them semifundamental particle thingummies.
Leave not a stone upon a stone and sow the ground with salt -- we have more or less adequate State governments, closer to home, a lot less "professional" and much easier to picket, yell at and vote in and out of office.
Cain't really argue. It'd be cheaper and funnier just to pass laws banning air conditioning and mosquito control in the District because EPA found a rare Chesapeake three-striped pointer mosquito, though.
...the Democrats? Tellya what, as far as I am concerned their office-holders and party leadership can all, severally and each, get stuffed, thrice, sideways, with extra carborundum powder. On an hourly basis)
Gosh, why not tell us how you really feel about the matter?
(For the record, I agree.)
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