...But as you wend your way to the polls, Japan is spatting with both Russia and China over various islands; seems the Russians picked up a couple as WW II wound down, and won't give them back. Meanwhile, in a heartwarming twist right out of Tom Leher's National Brotherhood Week, the gripe over another set of menaces to navigation is between Japan and both Chinas; though there's a little historical background from the 15th through 19th centuries, the current dispute dates way, waaaay back...to 1971.
Sure hope they're not into any other Leher tunes. And isn't it nice to see the ROC and the PRC finally in complete accord about something?
Ah, island-hopping!
2 months ago
For some reason this post made me think of Lord Buckley- I don't know if you've ever heard his stuff, but it seems if you like Lerher, you might dig Lord Buckley...
Try out Cabanza de Gasca, The Gasser.
We will all go together when we go ...
Let's not forget Quemoy and Matsu for islands causing "issues."
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