Just a pity it will be during the day, or I'd liveblog the President's attack on guns and gunowners. But an hour of me typing, "Oh, sheesh, even more idiocy" would probably get old....
Looky, we're in for a long hard slog against a President who'll be standing in the door waving an ax handle and emoting about "Gun control now, gun control forever" the whole time. They want to treat gun owners the same way they treat smokers -- and it's up to you and me to stand up and refuse to ride in the back of the bus, or be dragged behind it.
Be sure to look for his human shield of innocent children -- remember, it's despicable when Saddam Hussein does it, but a-okay for POTUS. Right?
2 months ago
I can't live blog it either. I have a morning appointment with my lawyer -- no kidding. We scheduled it to do a little estate planning. 'course, now the conference will have to include distribution of my veritable arsenal buried in sewer pipe all over Hell and Gone. It's like "Who gets my Winchester 90 if the gummint doesn't find it first?"
I can't bear to watch either. Every time I hear that whiny voice, I have this irresistible urge to empty the liquor cabinet & go 'Elvis' on the TV.
There are rallys scheduled to be held at every state capitol on the 19th at noon.
If you can please put the word out :)
Live blogging would be easy. Just set things up so that every two minutes, you post a 25-line block of capital A's, with a capital "RGH" as a follow-up in its own post. I'd do it myself but I'm at work so I won't actually be watching.
I'll try to watch, but I'm keeping a Bucket nearby.
I had a Big Breakfast.
I'm guessing it's going to look a lot like when the wicked witch of the east was surrounded my munchkins.
Excuse me, I've got to take some Pepto.
From what I've read, there's a lot of people that will ignore the executive orders and Congress has no plans for any gun laws.
Other than a photo-op, with children, Obama has gone back to doing nothing, except directing his minions to break the law.
Jess, I've run across a believable-sounding factoid that somewhere around 90% of the permanent bureaucracy at all levels of government are Democrats. I couldn't say if that's accurate, but I am willing to believe that seeking a sinecure in .gob service is more attractive to statists than it is to decent folk.
What I mean by the above is that those people really are Obama's minions, and they really will do their damnedest to obey the executive orders, and will not ignore them. And they will obey them all over us. It might be sort of hard to ignore, when 2A exercise involves the DMV multiplied.
Mike James
The 51% of the uninformed voters just got conned by the supreme con artist who learned the art from those other chicago hoods and I am hoping that there are gun owning mbombo voters who are beginning to regret their decision. Since they are liberal they do have a psychiatric problem which,when reported by the medical police to the government KGB,will allow the ngovernment to remove those guns. We ain't seen anything yet.....
I, too, was at work, and I, too, feel it may have been for the best. I let SaysUncle and Daddy Bear fisk it for me.
My take is buried in here, if anyone cares: Gun Control Stuff
Thanks, I was trying to remember who that other guy had been.
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