The Tireless Agorist, who managed seven months before he got too tired to continue. Sisyphus, people! There's no winning; Leviathan will triumph. But if it can be delayed even a second, made even a smidge less easy? That's worth doing. Just try to remember the Republic is over; it was wrought well and our Empire is still less nasty than ancient Rome's in many ways. This will change. It's changing now.
Atomic Nerds. They stopped writing. (Something about "...having a life...?") I've stopped linking. If they write again, they'll be linked again.
Dr. Strangegun hasn't blogged since 2010. I think this is unfortunate.
Hecate's Crossroad, silent for 18 months. .....ditto....
The Shootist, a year of dead air.
And I have a special offer: anyone who wants off my blogroll, send me a note. Happy to oblige.
2 months ago
Housekeeping must be done from time to time.
I keep hoping that The Steampunk Home will post something new one of these days, too.
Yes. She had a baby. I should drop the blog for inactivity but it might come back, in 3 or 4 years.
Roberta: Many Thanks for keeping my little blog on your list. I am honored to be there! No plans to quit any time soon, but the job and helping the Mrs with her mother limit my time and creativity. Visited Mom in Iowa this weekend. She is still independent, but slipping...more trips to Iowa must be scheduled.
Yes, parents do take looking after -- it seems only fair, they looked after us.
Mostly just dropping inactive blogs.
I only winced 'cause it's true. :-/
Still here. ;)
We miss you, Stingray.
I'm quite comfy in my little spot on your blogroll. I'd like to stay as long as you will have me.
We miss you, Stingray.
I'm quite comfy in my little spot on your blogroll. I'd like to stay as long as you will have me.
And if I ever shut-up, you might send out a search party.
I want on!
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