Worked super-late last night, filling in for a vacationing co-worker (Ooo! Overtime -- and the IRS is there to ensure the cake is a lie.).
Didn't quite manage six hours sleep and I feel like I used to on mornings-after when I was young, stupid and drank to excess.
Is there some age at which working swing shifts gets easier again? ...Didn't think so.
2 months ago
Based on 'my' experience it never gets better, it just hurts worse and worse... Sorry...
Yeah. I used to love working the midnight shift. Now it takes me a week to get over it.
I gave them up before I turned 40, and I don't miss them.
I have to get up at 3:30 tomorrow, did I help by going to bed early LAST night? No. It doesn't get easier, but the work is important, so you go out and do it.
Hope you have a better day tomorrow.
I think that almost anything which is consistent can be adjusted to. I think I could manage a late shift of some sort, as long as it wasn't on a rotation, and didn't spill to far into the graveyard territory. I often think that it'd be preferable in my current job, because I'd get more quality work done if I could get away from the constant noise and interruptions of the typical day. Not that that's likely.
I've read that as we age, we require less sleep. No evidence of such occurring in my case ... yet.
I don't know...I always volunteered for swing shift. Two reasons: My wife is a natural night owl, so I still got some time to visit with her when I got home, AND I like getting stuff done. Not to generalize, but most places I have worked, day shift made sure the paperwork was good to go, and back shift went and got the job done, happy there wouldn't be any questions about the paperwork someday.
Not to mention back-shift differential pay.
I have a hard time adjusting from weekends to the work week. I'll be derned if I'm gonna get up at 3:30 or so on the weekends, and that costs me Mondays.
I think it's the temp changes that really screw things up. If you have that schedule on a regular basis it isn't such a shock to the system. It's the going from one to another than back again that makes it ten times harder.
I find swing shifts easier than mornings. Go to work at noon, get home at midnight, wife was just going to bed so we at least got to say "goodnight". Stay yup til 2 0r 3, reading and surfing and blogging, get up ten-ish, no alarm needed...
4 10s rocks, especially if you get the three days off you want.
YMWV. Your lifestyle may not support that, and your biorhythms may not, either.
Used to take the marks popcorn money until 2Ayem, tear down and load until four, drive to the next fairgrounds and have the rig up by 9, get two hours sleep, and be ready to go until 2AM again.
60 years later, it takes two days to make up an hours lost sleep.
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