Organizing For Action, right here in Broad Ripple, this Friday, from 11:00 a.m. to noon, at the Monon Trail near the intersection of Rivera and Westfield (or Westfield and Westfield, depending on how you score it.) This is the same corner Brugge is on.
They're trying to press Representative Susan Brooks to support the House version of the failed Universal Background Checks bill.
Looks like a nice time/place for an Open Carry event.
(So, the first comment is some dimwit urging a physical assault against the antis. Um, NO. Lookie here, commenting is a privilege provided for discussion, not a place where you can urge violation of basic moral principles -- the Non-Aggression Principle -- or incite felonies. People have a right to express their opinions in public, even when they're totally wrong and/or stupid; they do not have a right to attack one another. If you don't agree, go away; my blog is not for you.)
2 months ago
I dunno. Sounds about the right time for a shower of eggs & rotten fruit.
Jay Dee? STAY OFF MY SIDE. You have just urged criminal assault against people who do not, in and of themselves, present an immediate threat to you. You are not welcome on my blog. Please don't come back.
You've had no luck with comments lately.
Did you see that old radio station I linked to on the 5th? Made me think of you.
And thanks for the tip on newly made Perfect Handle screwdrivers. I love those. For everything but working on electronics...
They have the same right to voice their opinions as we do. A counter protest that heavily outnumbered them and was respectful and polite (offer them water, it'll probably be hot) will go a long way toward thwarting them.
People have a right to their opinions, whether we like them or not. If anyone is going to get violent, let it be the other side. If we start it we play right into their hands.
I'll be open carrying here in River City in support of your counter-demonstration. Do take pictures - lately there has been some confusion over the number of antis showing up - were there 10 or 11? (they keep milling abpoit so much it's sometimes hard to get an accurate count)
stay safe.
Skidmark's right. Polite near-indifference and lots of pictures/video.
Give 'em their 15 minutes, and plenty of solitude in which to wonder whether it was worth it.
Mike V, BobG: So, I know that legally they certainly do, but (as a thought experiment, I'm certainly not urging any action) I do occasionally wonder about ethically.
I mean, if a group were advocating a return to chattel slavery...
I dunno. I guess "the answer to nasty speech is more speech" still holds; if they haven't actually passed any laws I guess they aren't really hurting anyone. It just really gets up my left nostril watching people protest in favor of abrogating my rights. :-/
Perlhaqr: do a web search on "Nazis marching Skokie, IL" I'd be perfectly happy if a metor hit 'em and wiped 'em all out -- but they have a right to speak and wave signs, no matter how repugant their message.
The jerks from Klan speechify form the steps of the Capitol here about once a year. They have the right, even though what they say makes me want to barf.
I am of the opinion that a whole bunch of gunnies should show up and talk some sense into the fools. Yes, talk. Bring a flower...
Ikoted covicted
The Beautiful thing about the Bill of Rights is that it applies to EVERYONE, even those we don't agree with. Part of the problem is that everyone seems to be wanting to "enforce" their view, and all that's gonna do is drive things into the gutter. I would love a "protest" where both sides showed up, had civil conversation, and then did a burger burn together. What a concept.
It may be that in the echo chamber that the internet has provided some basic interpersonal skills have become atrophied. We are more likely to take offense, discount that even views we abhor may have validity, and be jerks. I would like to thank you for allowing the rest of us to make comments, even when some of us (I may be guilty too) are idiots.
William the CPA
Awe geez. Counter protest=good, engaging in polite debate=good, assault=bad. It's really that simple
I'll definitely be there.
I have to pick up my daughter near there so it works out perfectly.
You mean we haven't gotten on your last nerve yet?
What about everyone else said - best to let 'em wallow in their ignorance, more or less.
I usually favor the "Laugh and Point" thing for things like this. Amazing how fast some folks will leave to avoid getting laughed at. Violence? No thanks that just gives them news time. I like the water idea Mike V you are a better person than many.
We do our cause best when we do what we gun rights activists are very good at.
Show up with a large number of very nice, polite, people.
I don't hold to assaulting anyone...I do however hold to defending myself...I have a question for all the nonviolent folks out there...If you have 10 wolves and nine sheep and the wolves keep voting to eat the sheep...So its legal to eat sheep and for every sheep gone the wolves get to multiply...When do the sheep get to fight back or do they continue to get eaten because its legal...You mention the Klan and the Nazis but not any other group that advocates hate so I would have to assume you lean left so I probably beating my head against the wall trying to have an reasonable conversation with you...Those people though have very little power and they are not voting away my rights so when is enough enough...That is all...
I don't lean, Lineman. I score up there at the top of the diamond as a gen-u-ine, pure evil libertarian.
Now, please point out the Left-wing jerks who hold a big rally to tell me how evil people who don't look like them are? The Commies don;t seem to have the stones and the anticapitalists are too busy breaking windows (initiating force, which IMO undercuts their message quite severely) -- but we've never had the G-8 here, so we heav;t seen them.
I haven't voted for a whole lot of Democrats -- most are serious stateists -- but I don't think you should get a religious excemption from being squicked under color of law. If the Dems would drop the socialism, antigunnery and State-worship, they'd have some virtues.
Do it right, (peaceful) or stay the hell away, as Mike V says.
@lineman: You're not from around here, are you?
Oh, I'm perfectly aware of the Nazis at Skokie, and as I say, I do recognize that the answer to speech is more speech.
It just really grates, sometimes. I know the Westboro jerks would probably like nothing better than for me to lay one right in the kisser so they can sue me for my socks, but darn it if I don't want to just oblige them on occasion.
That's probably just because I'm not a very nice person. Oh well. :-/
You can *want* *to* all you like. It's the actual hitting that's wrong.
Snickering, on the other hand, is perfectly okay. Heck, I'd even kiss a gurrrl to irk the Westboro set. But not Tam, she'd slug me.
I see that everyone skated around the question so I will leave it lay...Not from around here comment could be taken a lot of ways... I been around and back again many times never really called anyplace home other than where I was raised..I call it like I see it...If anyone has a problem with it I can reason with them til I see its pointless and then other methods work quite well...
Lineman, the 10th post down on the front page of this blog is where Roberta X spells out her worldview quite clearly. She's the antithesis of a Leftist.
As for the question of the wolves voting to eat the sheep...Well, they may take all the votes they wish and we must let them. It's when they come to do the eating that things change. (And of course I'm speaking only for myself here, not the blogmistress.)
Oh, I can happily endorse that statement, Sabra!
No more troll food.
Lineman, the difference between us and sheep is that we have teeth as do the wolves and can contest the decision.
The antis expressing an opinion costs us nothing, hurts no one and encroaches on none of my rights.
For summary of Underreported News Stories of Guns Used in Self-Defense please visit
If you don't think their eating us already then you are still sleeping..Just because they haven't taken a bite out of you yet doesn't mean they aren't...Troll food you haven't clue...You must not of read my post at all I said I wasn't advocating violence against them...If you think having your arms is having teeth your playing right into their hands...If we have nothing to fight for what are you going to use your arms for...
Linemen, you're incoherent.
Jay Dee was advocating force; I asked him to leave.
My comment wasn't meant for you commenting on Jay Dee...I was commenting on the state of this country...Like I said wall head...
I like the idea of a polite counter protest with the various quotes from The Bill Of Rights , The Federalist Papers etc be sure to have plenty of coolers filled with Ice and water bottles. then someone could start grilling bacon double cheeseburgers and offering them to the anti's Be sure there is plenty of bacon on there so they are sure of the peaceful intentions.
And then be sure you don't forget the bacon.
After all if someone is willing to share their bacon with you, they must be peaceful, right?
Lineman: take a deep breath, turn Mr. Limbaugh down and try to make sense. Your attempt at a parable was a muddle.
Like Limbaugh or don't like him, you have to remember that he always warns people not to try doing what he does at home. I think lineman may have missed that warning.
Just because you didn't understand it doesn't mean it was a muddle...Do I need to sign it out for you..By the way Limbaugh, Hannity, Savage, are in this for the money and fame...Its funny you claim your a libertarian but then try to belittle me a tried and true tactic of the left...
Its easy to sit behind your keyboard and make snide comments Fuzzy anytime you think your smarter or more of a man than me...Name the time and place...
Lineman, old pal, we could get into an IQ-measuring contest, but you'd lose.
This whole weird hangup you have with the "left" and accusing me of being a member of it-- Have you even *read* my blog, or do you just come to this one post and yammer?
Anyway, I score at the *top* of the Nolan chart, neither "left" nor "right" in my politics. Hooray, I win the "libertarian" badge for my sash! (That and a buck buys coffee, some places.)
Meanwhile, *your* politics seem to consist of muddy thinking, hostility and picking fights.
Go play in traffic.
I came on this site because it was linked to other Patriot sites I read...I thought it would be the same kind of down to earth, common sense type of people...I was wrong and I apologize for coming here...Sorry to have intruded on you all..I will go back to sites where I feel welcome...Good Luck to you all in the coming chaos...
And good luck to you, Lineman. So sorry we disturbed your simple one-axis model of political philosophy.
--No, wait, I lied. If it gets you thinking about libertarianism as an *alternative* to "left" and "right," we may have helped you understand where you fit. Too many people think of "libertarians" as some kind of "more republican than Republicans" group, which is wildly inaccurate and can only lead to disappointment.
And there goes lineman, ignoring Limbaugh's advice again.
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