Thursday, November 06, 2014

The Mental Image Is Different When Ian Fleming Writes This

     "Part of the thong fell off my coffeemaker."  When I say it, it just means some of the leather shoelace that holds the wooden heat insulator at the narrow middle of my Chemex has become brittle, broken, and fallen away.  In a James Bond novel...  Well!

     OTOH, I think Bond did use a Chemex.  So there is that. 




Guffaw in AZ said...

Yes, he did!
Touted as an AMERICAN MADE Chemex!

I'm certain if a thong fell off in the books, the matter would have been addressed promptly...


Merle said...

Why would you hang your thong on a coffee maker? :)


Mockingbird said...

Yes, James used a Chemex. I once had a coffee with him in his flat, in 1954. We both were between assignments.

Roberta X said...

...And we know this because if either one of you *had* been on assignment, someone would have died.

Old NFO said...

Snerk... Yep... :-) 'Usage' does have different connotations depending on WHO is using it...