Sorry, readers; I slept in a bit and have been arguing on the Internet, seeing if I can't get hated by both sides at once.
Who's in for C-SPAN and popcorn when the Senate hauls the new Supreme Court nominee into the center ring? It's gonna be interesting, and we may get to hear Al Franken read an entire Chicago telephone book! Make notes, there's a test later.
2 months ago
Al Franken! I'll bet that even THAT pompous windbag runs out of breath; he LACKS commitment, preferring to preach to the choir. HE will NOT be changing any minds, nor shall he impress anyone. Bring on the Nuclear Option!!!
I don't think they have to *actually* speak to have filibuster now, just say they would so 60 votes are required to close debate. Stuart Smalley doesn't have actually have a tantrum, just threaten one.
Amen, end filibusters in the Senate, especially when Senators don't have to stand and deliver the whole time.
Rick has it right.
We can make the Senate rules, so make a damn rule that if you wanna fillibuster something, do it the old-fashioned way, by hand.
Standing up on two legs and flapping your lips and making noises recognizable as human speech with your larynx...
I have said elsewhere that a filibuster now would be a mistake on the dems part. This is a right leaning candidate. If they force the nuclear option on him, it makes it simple for the repubs to push a much more right wing justice the next time.
I find it interesting that Pelosi, Schumer, Feinstein, et al had NO problem confirming him last time... Agree with Rick and Anon!
Like it or not, the Senate does not run on pure logic and by their intentional delay with President Obama's nominee for this post, the GOP has bought a fight from the Dems. It's inevitable.
They call it the Biden Rule for a reason, Bobbi. Turnabout is fair play.
The problem is, the left only think it's fair when it benefits them.
Personally, I think they'll let a few windy Dems sputter, then invoke the nuclear option.
...But let me just say that I find the notion of "gentleman's filibuster," in which the thought is taken for the deed, utterly repugnant. Get up there and start talking! I'm not terribly impressed with the "nuclear option, either. The Senate needs to set their caps and sweat through the actual process. Who knows, it might be good for 'em -- or for us.
I'd as soon they each had to dig a ditch with a good old-fashioned shovel every year of their term, just so we could be assured of getting *something* for their pay, but I suppose that would be too cruel. Besides, they'd figure out a way to cheat.
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