Turns out it's serious. There will be surgery. Prognosis is pretty good but it is certainly not what she wanted for Christmas. No word on when yet; they are still enticing surgeons by gently crumpling large-denomination bills in front of them. "Ooo, is that James Madison I hear? Salmon P. Chase? Ooooo, thazza good cardiac surgeon! Sit up, now, sit up and schedule an OR and you'll get a treat! Nice li'l Grover Cleveland treat!" They're less hungry around the holidays, alas.
Oh -- and I lost my temper at my boss's boss, who called me at the hospital and stupid me, in "family trouble" mode, I answered without checking the number and tripped right into "solve problem" before I caught myself. Smooooooth all 'round, especially since the question was mooted by the client. This on a project my end of which (the most hardware-intensive part) has been in place and working for a month -- but a peer did some deceptive things with his portion of it and left on vacation having stuck us with a system we all thought worked, but didn't. (It was tested. He faked his part). Interestingly, this meant everyone else on the project was to blame, even the one who has been away from it for a week and a half on another deadlined, high-visibility project (yep, me), literally miles away. There was very grim talk about our poor work ethic and I ended up putting in more OT hours than I can admit to, reverse-engineering workarounds for a problem I did not create, having to cut short time with my Mom in the hospital -- because I have such a bad, bad attitude. Why, I'm just about a Bolshevik.
When I get it to the printers, please buy my book. :)
2 months ago
You and mom are on the list. Hope all gets settled soon to everyone's satisfaction.
I'm sorry you're on such a streak of miserable luck. Hang in there.
Keep your chin up, Dollface. Things sound a little tough, but it seems good news about your Mom.
I already told you I want to buy two of your books.
Still waiting patiently...
I'm hoping the person, that caused this, was informed that he needn't comeback from vacation as his lack of services was no longer needed. But I'm an asshole.
Hope your mother is doing well.
Hope all turns out OK with your mom Roberta.
I'll buy lots of your books AND give them great reviews on Amazon.
It sounds like you've had miserable couple of days; I hope tomorrow is better.
And, of course, continued best wishes for your mom.
I hope Santa is extra-good to you this year. You deserve it.
Will be thinking of MomX!!
Well wishes again for your Mom. Please keep us posted.
Put me down for a copy. I'll pick it up when I make it over for a blogmeet someday.
I'm sure your mom will be OK. Here's hoping you will be, too :)
As I have said before, I'm down for at least three copies.
Sounds like your boss's boss is an assclown, if he said all that crap.
Would be nice to have a boss who would tell off his boss for going under his head, so to speak.
Awaiting books.
They're not assclowns. They answer to completely nontechnical people who are facing the worst financial situation my employer has ever seen; by the time the mess trickles down to my levels it is...a little skitzy.
That doesn't mean it is fun or nice or even right; it is what it is and if I don't want to put with it, there's someone who will.
Interestingly, this meant everyone else on the project was to blame, even the one who has been away from it for a week and a half on another deadlined, high-visibility project (yep, me), literally miles away. There was very grim talk about our poor work ethic and I ended up putting in more OT hours than I can admit to, reverse-engineering workarounds for a problem I did not create, having to cut short time with my Mom in the hospital -- because I have such a bad, bad attitude. Why, I'm just about a Bolshevik.
When you're at the level where your job is interfacing the non-technical people and the technical people, part of that includes being a stress buffer and not going off on the people who make the wheels turn, even when the people in the fancy suits are worried about the wheels coming off.
I'm not saying you should quit or anything, I'm just bitching on your behalf. But if you don't want it, I'll stop. :)
Droll: When you're at the level where your job is interfacing the non-technical people and the technical people, part of that includes being a stress buffer and not going off on the people who make the wheels turn, even when the people in the fancy suits are worried about the wheels coming off.
Not how it works where I work; part of my job is being a "stress buffer" for my bosses, not the other way around.
The behavior you describe is actively discouraged and has resulted in termination at the "boss of bosses" level.
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