Claire Wolfe links to several yarns this morning, including t Eric Frank Russell classic, "...And Then There Were None." (Surely you've read it? If not, you otta, if only to learn what "myob" might be and why Our Leaders need to do a lot more of it, followed by getting real jobs).
Also among her links is Vernor Vinge's "The Ungoverned," the short story that got me reading Vinge. Check it out!
(Here's a nice Bud Webster bit about Eric Frank Russell. And then there's this website, perhaps the best Russell resource on the web.)
2 months ago
Eric Frank Russell on line. I knew the Internet was good for something.
"Men, Martians, and Machines" was one of the first SF stories I read. (as well as "The Great Explosion" and RAH with "Stranger In A Strange Land" and "The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress" when it first came out. Heady stuff for a young kid on the edge of "The 60s")
[as I recall, I believe "The Great Explosion" was a collection containing "...And Then There Were None"]
I'm afraid EFR and RAH formed much of my political outlook. (I liked IA's yarns and science essays but even then I felt he was too One-World-ish)
EFR and RAH need to be read by more pre-pubescent children before their young little minds get locked up by the schools.
I sure wish Russell had hung around to discuss his unique take on politics; much as I like RAH, in many ways EFR notions are closer to my own.
Another Russell story that's out there in the intertubes, his classic of asymmetrical warfare, "Wasp".
Is a Special Ops guy with a warped sense of humor a terrorist? Is what he does necessary?
If you haven't read "Wasp" -- and it would really surprise me if any reader of THIS blog hadn't -- do yourself a favor: Find it and read it. Fun and mentally nourishing.
Loved that book. Still do! I have a very old pb copy, pretty much falling apart.
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