Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Out Of The Mouths Of, Well, Presidents...

Sayeth Mr. Obama, 'tother night: "The American people may have voted for divided government, but they didn't vote for a dysfunctional government."

You're right, sir; we get that whether we vote for it or not. 'Spose you and Congress stop spending more than you take in, as a first step to becoming "functional."

But I dream. Hold onto your hats, the Feds may not be able to fake their out of this one.

(Elsewhere, like Africa, they're still starving, despite all manner of Overgovernment attention -- always too late and too shortsighted. I'm sure there's a moral here but it's too hard to read through all the bodies. "Welcome to the future," maybe).Link


Bubblehead Les. said...

So the Anointed One comes on the TeeWee last night to blame the Tea Party for the Fact that he can't steal/print more Federal Dollars for his Cronies and his Political Base until the Election? What Economic School teaches that one can go deeper into Debt, as long as it is not Election Day? Ever notice that when Barry HAS to deal with Grown Up Issues, he get P.O.d, and starts blaming everyone but himself for interrupting his Fun Time? That's like a Bank Robber protesting that the Bank closed at 5, and he didn't get to it until 6.

Oh, BTW, there can't be any Famine in the Horn of Africa. "Live Aid" cured it back in the '80s, remember? "We are the World, We are the Children..."

Fuzzy Curmudgeon said...

We did, in fact, vote for dysfunctional government. That's the whole point of gridlock.

Anything is better than the "functional" government we had before the 2010 elections.

New Jovian Thunderbolt said...

And they take in... About 19% of GDP. Set the income tax rate to X and they take in 19% of GDP. Set taxes to 2X and they take in... 19% of GDP. Perhaps if they spent only 18% of GDP on gummint stuff...

Josh Kruschke said...

The less they can accomplish the less they can screw up.

If history has taught us nothing else about congress, they won't fix anything until they have exhausted all the ways to screw something up, and are left with no other path than the one that works.


BobG said...

"If it ain't broke, we'll fix it until it is."
- Federal government

Tookie said...

I am so waiting for January of 2013.

DES said...

Dysfunction is very acceptable if the only alternative is letting this president have his way.

Roberta X said...

Gridlock in D.C. is generally better than having them "getting things done."

This time, despite all the noise, I don;t think it matters. Crash now, crash in six months, crash in a year...? Still gonna crash.

Anonymous said...