About a day and a half of wall-stripping has revealed cracked siding, loose siding, funky wood and butt joints (rather than scarfed or half-lapped) where one long board ends and the next begins. Oh, they were caulked, probably when the present coat of paint was applied; caulked using a material similar to chewing gum, though lacking in its adhesive and structural qualities.
The old paint exhibits wildly variable adhesion -- some patches fall off at a harsh word, others require a belt sander. One wall (one of the long ones) is about three-quarters prepped.
I'm starting to worry my young painter has taken on too large a job. Or that the unaffordably right thing is to rip the old siding off and start over. :(
2 months ago
Depending upon your long term intentions at the Manor, you might be wise to consider a rip-off and residing with a nice low maintenance modern material. Front end cost is significant but life-cycle is good investment and peace-of-mind is priceless.
Empathizing with you. I'm currently taking bids to have my Driveway replaced, and the way they paid off the Inspectors back in '64 when they built my place, I'm sure once they peel out the old Concrete some very expensive surprises will rear their ugly heads.
It sounds ugly, but ripping off the siding and starting over can be an excellent, excellent thing, for two reasons:
1: it can be done a wall at a time, actually. You can do some as you can afford it.Sure, it looks weird, but hey, Broad Ripple.
2: As you rip off the siding, you can do things you never thought you could do again, like install additional electricals easily in outside walls, and HYPER INSULATE the old girl. Then put in a good quality steel or aluminum siding (vinyl has its advantages too) and watch the heating and cooling bills sink. (at the age of Roseholm, it probably has shiplap under the cedar, and you can take off one or two laps and blow or jam in Fiberglass)
Eventually you can also replace the convection furnace with Hitachi two-piece systems, and Roseholme will be the most energy efficient domicile in Broad Ripple.
Painting? I hate it, but maybe you'll be lucky and this will be the last time you have to,
If you like his work but fear he might bail-out, go ahead and open the discussion.
You could say, "Wow, this is looking like a lot more work than I thought. Do you think that, too?" If he says "Yes", then you've opened the "It's OK to renegotiate the price" topic.
He might not know how to start the discussion but, if you like his work, taking the initiative might get him over the hump, and get you a much better job when all is said and done (and paid).
Quality lasts.
Time to move to KY.
And it depends on the siding. If the original clapboards are in place, do everything you can to keep them.
I have an in law that had a slate roof. It needed repair. Rather than repair it and go the next 50 years with that, he ripped off the stone and put on asphalt shingles. About as cheap with the repair than the replacement to repair and better for value. He tends to move to a new place every 3 years, too.
We don't speak anymore.
What's next for him? Rip out the perfectly fine plaster and put up drywall? I need to find a way to get money off of him.
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