...You can have several thousand TEA Party activists (the people weenies like CSGV and the Bradys call "violent insurrectionists") descend on Washington with nary an arrest -- hardly any parking tickets, even -- but a smaller number of (supposedly peaceful, egalitarian) Occupiers of Wall Street in NYC (and other places) manage to clash repeatedly with officers and bring out the worst in both sides?
(I've now seen several comments noting that the conditions for any long-term OWS participant resemble boot camp -- or hardcore cult programming. High stress, lot of people crowded closely together, limited food, water and sleep, lotta group activities including recitation, a common foe.... When it was high-minded idealists banded not-quite-together for a weekend or a week, it was one thing, even when they were waaaaay out there; the longer it goes on, the more it becomes...something else. And I don't think they remember the lessons of the Bonus Army. There's some not-very-experienced young folks gonna get hurt, I suspect).
2 months ago
The obvious conclusion is the "#Occupy $CITY" folks are immature and irrational for the most part. Their behavior indicates an amazing inability to process information accurately and coherently.
WHY would any sane person demand more government??
I dunno -- but as H. L. Mencken observed, they are liable to get it, good and hard.
Age - demographics.
The Tea Party may not have started that way, but by getting so much positive coverage by Fox it very quickly turned toward establishment methods - conventions, etc. The Tea Party became very quickly a much older crowd.
Because the Democrats are as deeply in bed with their own wing of the plutocracy, they fumbled the early stages and have created a much more edgy situation. Edgy situations draw young people. The situation is much less likely to turn out well.
Also, has anyone noticed that the protesters are 95% white but no one is smearing them as a front for the KKK?
I don't think you have to worry that these morons will be hurt, they are supported by the unions and praised by .gov. The Bonus army clearly wasn't.
Another question: Why are these people who are calling for more government labeled as anarchists?
Also, has anyone noticed that the protesters are 95% white but no one is smearing them as a front for the KKK?
"No, look over HERE...see? Nothing up my sleeve at all...hey, over HERE!"
WV: babil "Friends, if you suffer from excessive ULR (Unhinged Liberal Ranting), ask your doctor if Babil i right for you."
Out here, a pass by the park occupied by the "Occupy My Alimentary Canal" bunch shows me that same set of faces I see hanging around the pedestrian mall begging for change.
"High stress, lot of people crowded closely together, limited food, water and sleep, lotta group activities..."
Dysentery, typhus, typhoid fever. Am sure the popularity of BigPharma will soon increase among the 99%.
Thirteen weeks MCRD San Diego, November 80-February 81, Platoon 1118. Never went to war, certainly no blood-curdling sea stories to tell. I am not speaking for anyone else.
Nonetheless, I feel sufficiently confident, falling back on my tiny little experience, in telling you that what the commenters are claiming to be similar to recruit training is nothing like it--one has to have a minimum of personal discipline to graduate, and there isn't an awful lot of powerful bong hits, or shitting on police cars, or adoring attention from the MFM,or *camping out wherever the f*** one feels like it*, along the way.
With respect, I hope those commenters you cited learn, some day, to talk from the correct end of their alimentary canal. It's more seemly, and more hygienic, that way.
Mike James
Okay, sorry, I acknowledge it wasn't your commenters making the boot camp analogy. You, and your commenters, didn't merit that last crack of mine.
Forgive me, please.
Yeah, I was going to mention that this bears no resemblance to my own Basic Training, nor any other I've heard of.
Indoctrination into a cult, yeah, OK, I'll accept that, although I have no personal experience to along with it.
Did you notice that Occupy Wall Street, et. al., have been endorsed by the American Nazi Party AND the American Communist party?
And this surprises you, Drang? :)
On the "boot camp" analogy, while OWS lacks (much of) the discipline and structure of boot camp, it's still got what it needs to break old bonds and forge new ones among the participants.
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