It must be true -- Harold Camping said so, and he's an old hand at predicting the end of the world. He's done it a lot.
Are you ready? Affairs all in order? Light lunch packed? Ready to lay out a nice buffet for the Four Horsemen?
Remember to wear loose-fitting comfortable clothes and to keep a positive attitude.
It's just a pity FEMA didn't schedule their National EAS Test any sooner. Oh, well. At least they had nice, unnerving graphics.
Update: Bip bip bip,* Mr. Camping -- day's almost over and what have you accomplished?
* In some ways, "Normal" was my favorite male character in Dark Angel. Sure, he was usually a jerk, but in a broken world, he was still striving.
2 months ago
Oh, come on. AGAIN? This is starting to get like a national holiday or something.
If I miss it, can someone clue me in on the event?
Darn, is that today? I hope they don't make too much noise. I have a shooting class tomorrow so I have to be up early.
While I welcome the idea of, to use the old fashioned term, going home to be with Jesus, I would frankly be disappointed if Camping turned out to be right. It would just be so darn predictable.
ba dum tsch
Crap. I drove the wrong car to work today, I guess.
Didn't like how she was treated. Don't think her recitation of Amendment #4 really had anything to do with it, though. She could've recited "Green Eggs & Ham" and got the same results, IMHO.
What about my cold cuts? AND I am all out of Triscuits.
How can we have an end of the world party with cold cuts and Triscuits???
Shootin' Buddy
And don't forget the towel.
Camping should be good at this, he's had about as much practice as Mark Twain had at quitting smoking.
What was it T.S. Eliot wrote? "This is the way the world will end, not with a bang but a whimper"?
Rats. Looks like I got left behind AGAIN!
Wait! The house next door is empty...
Oh, that's right, it's been empty since last spring. Stand down.
(Anybody looking for a $69K fixer-upper 2-story 4-bedroom with 2-car gargage and huge back yard, north side of Indy?)
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