Alien logic, a la Sesame Street. See, it has a face, hands, it talks, er, tocs.....
...It has a bong.
Hey, it was the 70s, you know.
2 months ago
The further and continuing adventures of the girl who sat in the back of your homeroom, reading and daydreaming.
Well, it WAS the 70's right? I prefer my aliens on my end of the food chain to be more of the "To Serve Man" genre.
Or perhaps I needed better drugs back then!
Are you suggesting that the clock is an animal?
No, I'm suggesting that the clock may be human.
Yeah, this was the same show that taught kids "we all live in a capital I, in the middle of a desert in the center of the sky."
I miss drug-induced educational television.
For a cheap giggle, show a teen that analogue timepiece and ask them the time.
Brought to you by the subversives who believe that maps were invented before GPS.
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