Like a moth to a flame, a Chicago Democrat is drawn to gun control. Bitter's got the round-up. Here's the money quote from President Obama: "...AK-47s belong in the hands of soldiers and not in the hands of crooks. They belong on the battlefield of war, not on the streets of our cities."
Yes, that's what he said -- and you'll note he leaves no room at all for the honest gun-owner, nor bothers with the distinction between a fully-automatic AK-47 (which takes a $200 tax stamp and Federal paperwork, above and beyond the stunning price the limited supply commands) and a one-round-per-trigger-press semi-auto SovBloc tomato stake from Ed's Bait and Boomsticks. Nope, in his world they're all eeeeviiiiil and if you have one and you're not a soldier, you must be a crook.
Thanks for motivating the gunnie base, Mr. President -- though I'm pretty sure that wasn't your intention.
Elsewhere, Mr. Romney has been busily applying a new coat of lipstick to the pig of the Massachusetts "assault weapons" ban he signed while Governor; perhaps that's what gave Mr. Obama the notion this was a can of worms he could open.
I certainly hope Mr. Romney is a quick study. The 'States as a whole do not look much like his home state on this issue. (And meanwhile, where is the Libertarian Party? Come out, come out, wherever you are -- this is an issue you can own! Assuming you can get the creaking media to notice, that is.)
2 months ago
Dammit, now I'm gonna have to buy an AK-47, when before I had neither a need or a want for one.
And note that he fed Baron Bloomberg's megalomania.
I think Obama's trying to rally someone anyone in his base and/or he feels Romney is neutered on this.
The GOP's standard-bearer in this election is a governor who signed a permanent state AW ban into law.
This is an issue that Romney can't beat the President up on. The gun owners are pretty much out of this one.
EB: what, you overlooked the fourth paragraph of my posting?
Doesn't matter.
Up to this point, Your Team could fend off RKBA attacks by pointing out Barry's total lack of attributable public statements on the issue. He just provided the NRA with all the ad copy they'll need between now and November.
Are you referring to my comment, or did a post by "EB" get deleted?
If you are referring to me, my side is one of gun owners, and I detest Obama. I just don't see where Mittens is much better, considering his positions on health care and AWBs.
Sorry -- I was addressing Comrade E. B. Misfit; we both hate politicians but we hate different ones worse. :)
I'm no Mitt fan, and (barring some heretofore unidentifiable miracle) I won't be voting for him come November, but the point of this whole exercise is that Barry has kept a bunch of voters in his camp, or at least away from the polls, by having no concretely attributable stand on 2A issues.
With his statements yesterday, he's handed the NRA all the ammo they need. For the vast majority of the voting public, Mittens gets a pass on the whole RKBA issue by the simple virtue of having an (R) after his name on the ballot...
Libertarian here. We do own the issue. And the media is slowly (too slowly) noticing.
Miss Tam,
Could you please post Farmer Frank's comments on how the Republicans managed the second Amendmentwhen they were in charge?
Miss Anonymous,
You seem to have confused me with a Republican, as opposed to an observer of political affairs.
OK, so when you read paragraphs 4 and 5 of your post together, how do you propose that Romney be a "quick study" when his actions are in opposition to his words? If there is a Republican more likely to regard guns as "icky" than Romney, I don't know who that might be.
(Other than maybe George H.W. Bush, who was in favor of the AWB, but he's long gone from active politicking.)
I don't think there's much doubt that gunnies tend to be treated like a battered spouse by the GOP (and sometimes indulge in the same kind of "but they really love me" thinking), but face it -- most Democrats won't even let 'em in the door.
President Obama had managed -- with the help of the amnesiac media -- to avoid definite statements about gun rights. Until yesterday.
Gee, EB, Mitt is a politician; I'm hoping he can react to poll numbers. His personal feelings? I care about his as much as I care about Mr. Obama's or those of either Mr. Bush: not hardly.
Like Tam, I'll most likely vote third party. We need a new set of crooks and fools.
All I know is, if I find an AK-47 on MY Street, it's Mine!
"Finders Keepers, Losers..."
"Like Tam, I'll most likely vote third party. We need a new set of crooks and fools."
As long as Obama doesn't get back in, you're golden. If he does, we can compare notes. A warning from the past--vote third party, and Obama wins, no one will forgive you. I tried that in 1992. My nutchells still ache.
Mike James
" do you propose that Romney be a "quick study" when his actions are in opposition to his words?"
Because gun owners, like (for instance) the LGBT crew, are a captive constituency: Taken as a group, their choices are either vote GOP (or Dem, for teh queers,) or stay home.
Obama has just given them a reason to not stay home. What's he going to do? Draw gunowners back into his camp by claiming Romney's even antigunner than he is? Put down the crack pipe, honey.
Yeah, well, Mike James, last time they warned me that if I voted for McCain, the economy would be ruined -- I did and it has been. So 'scuse me if I'm a little less inclined to compromise my principles.
May I ask a stupid question? (Actually, I hope it's not at all a stupid question. But I suspect many round here will think it is.)
Question: What, exactly, is meant when one says/types/writes "AK-47"?
I mean, I'm a rigid pedant, so to me "AK-47" means neither more nor less than an Avtomat-Kalashnikova or clone thereof, made using Mikhail Kalashnikov's original design for a fully automatic rifle, 7.62x39mm caliber, IOC in 1947. Anything else is a 'civilian AK' or some similar term.
What do you mean when you say "AK-47?"
...And what does the President mean when he says AK-47? I believe Robb Allen has a graphic....
But what if a crook, a cook county thug is Comander in Chief?
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