The Colorado nutbag either came in through a fire exit, or had stashed his weapons outside it and opened it from the inside to reach them--
Therefore, expect the nannies and gun-grabbers to demand gun bans and airport-type metal detectors at motion picture theaters.
Count on it -- even though such measures would not have prevented the tragedy to which they're reacting.
2 months ago
I heard a report on the CBS local affiliate that he did come in through the emergency exit.
He exited out the fire exit, went to his car armed up, and came back through the fire exit
Either way....
Duck, same difference.
And yes, local news was interviewing movie goers here last night, there was a general attitude of "metal detectors don't cost that much, and they'd have kept this from happening!!!!" *headdesk*
Ok, who will say this first, CBS, ABC, or MSNBC: "They should lock the fire exits."
WHY was said Fire Exit NOT Alarmed?
This is such an OBVIOUS Security Measure I can't understand why it wasn't done, if nothing else to keep people from sneaking their "Buds" INTO the Movie.
But wouldn't a "No Guns Allowed" sign on the outside of the fire exit worked as well? Alemaster
You know those "after the movie" exits? Those are the fire exits. Do YOU want world-ending sirens after every movie?
That would be just about the final nail in the coffin of movie theaters.
Barron Bloomberg's already started using the King's Men... err.. the NYPD as an impromptu Theater Security Administration.
And they openly state it's just for the "comfort" of the peasantry.
RobK. You are correct sire. Look at the airlines. And it's a lot easier to avoid going to the theaters than it is to fly.
Especially since a DVD or download of a movie works a lot better than a DVD of a plane ride.
Got stuck in traffic with someone else driving for too long yesterday, listening to the local talk radio bloviaters. The subject of metal detectors at public venues came up-repeatedly.
(Forgot to add...)
This was the same gasbag who opined that, while it might seem logical that that arming oneself and being alert and able to defend oneself would make one safer, that it is actually the opposite of logic.
But we've GOT to do SOMETHING!
It's for the CHILDREN!!
Or something like that.
Ed Skinner: What? All you've got to do is say "Triangle Shirtwaist Fire" three times and the pundit shut up about locking fire exits.
As they should.
Here in Texas, the fire exits are actually just additional exits that spit impatient movie goers, unwilling to exit with the crowd, directly into the parking lot. I suspect that to be the case in Colorado.
Some venues of public assembly already
have metal detectors along with government buildings some office buildings require a photo ID and an
electronic sign in before they issue
you an entry pass
Robert A. Heinlein was right regarding
a "mature society"
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