You know the classic experiment where scientists inserted a wire that stimulated the pleasure center of the rodent's brains when a button was pushed, then let the rats push the button for themselves whenever they wanted, only to discover that the rats would push it and push it, passing up food and drink (etc.) in favor of pushing the button?
That's why I can't have Cool Ranch Doritos.
Sometimes I forget. Thank heavens the bag eventually runs out.
3 months ago
LOL. God help us if they ever develop the electric current addiction technology that Larry Niven wrote about in his SF stories.
Bob: You mean like Facebook & Twitter?
Now if you find yourself trying to find your way through a maze......
Coming soon: Cool Ranch Dorito Taco Loco from Taco Hell! Guarenteed to take years off your life 6 bites at a time.
Bob, I believe David Drake also used that gimmick in a retelling of the story of Jason and the Argonauts called "The Voyage". It wasn't electrical, it involved the rootlets of a single planet encompassing organism. New worlds to conquer for the nurserymen, I suppose.
Roberta, you are so obviously devoted to interesting, freshly prepared food made from good ingredients, that only a debauched, degraded devotee of depravity would tell you that Taco Bell has Dorito taco shells. Oops.
Mike James
I know they do. Thus far, I have avoided them.
OTOH, about twice a year, I chow down on a half-dozen Taco Bell slider-analogs, in the plain crunchy-type shells. Pretty sure that was the first "Mexican" food I ever had. Qdoba is better but there's a whole nostagia thing.
Back before ATMs, there used to be a phrase, "I can't be out of money, I still have checks."
Chicago based Lays Potato Chips motto is "betcha can't eat just one"
The Chicago based company is Jays not Lays, but looking it up the motto is Lays.
LOL, oh yeah, we ALL have those 'little' vices... :-)
Mike-sells original Puffcorn Delites. Same effect for me. Forgot to go to work once.
And the bag says it has twelve servings. Fools. Serving size is " Is the bag empty?"
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