I woke up several times this morning, each time with a worse headache and backache. I know the cause of the latter: a lot of walking in heavy boots, the contortions necessary to install a plumber's nightmare of waveguide in a very tight space and lifting a massive old spectrum analyzer in and out of a, h'mm, lets call it box truck that contains a Ku-band transmitter, 'cos the real Hidden Frontier truth is just too classified to reveal.
All that aside, I am just now vertical, hurting and so photophobic I'm typing in the dark. It's a beautiful, sunny day out there and it hurts to peer at it through sunglasses, squinting. Ow. Ow, ow ow.
2 months ago
I really enjoy your writing and the stories you post are very entertaining and informative. Whenever I write I can sometimes feel a rhythm within the text and the thought process that is floundering around in my head. I get the same feeling when I read your posts, without the head trauma, and I'm looking forward to many more in the future.
Bob Cloud
I hope you feel better soon; both of those conditions are quite miserable. The coordinated attack must be unbearable.
I prescribe Burbon. Or Sour mash. two fingers worth. THOSE two fingers (index digit of 1 hand extended, on top of other fist w/extended pinkie) in a small wash tub. May not cure, but you won't CARE......
Sounds like you were working in an antenna feed box. Spent more time than I like to think of man handling HP141T Spec Ans and stuff up to the feed box on X-Y and Az-El dishes. I remember one for NOAA where we removed the di-plexer and installed a tri-plexer. Had to dis-assemble the durned thing to get it to fit through the access hatch. Mfg. was not happy about that as they had to send a team out to recertify it in place. Those were the days!
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