I'm just not feeling pestered by this supposedly dire threat, or no more than is usual. Congress and the Executive are playing Chicken again. Unable to settle on a budget, the two have nevertheless managed to spend money the Feds don't have at unprecedented rates and will keep on doing so even after (or, I suppose one must say, if) the "deep and painful cuts" in everything from Head Start the Department of Defense the sequester invokes take effect.
In fact, those cuts will hardly slow it down, since big, popular vote-getting programs will scarcely feel the pinch. Cut back the military and air traffic control and let TV newsies tell you just how much more dangerouser your world is? Sure thing! Cut aid to disadvantaged children, who are then used to tug at your heartstrings? Absolutely! Touch Social Security? Er-- Only to the extent of a small furlough for workers. Medicare will be facing cuts: all of two percent (This source --PDF warning! -- says they're both exempt.) See, if it'll get a solid chunk of voters riled up, they ain't a-gonna do it.
Bread. Circuses are free but oh, the Empire does hand out bread. We have built our New Rome and now we're stuck in it.
And it doesn't appear that dancing with bankruptcy even begins to get their attention on the Capitol hill.
(Bonus! "Women, poor hardest hit." Um, duh. Trot out the widders an' orphans, Senator, and threaten them some more; and could you please 'splain me how it is moral to use a client class largely of your own creation as a hostage to support your unrestrained spending of the funds with which the electorate has entrusted you and continuing to spend long after those monies are gone?)
ETA: Y'know, it would be paranoid to suggest that Feinstein, et. al. want you disarmed before the bottom drops out -- which the PDF linked above puts at 2027 - 2028 -- but it sure is interesting how Congress has had all manner of free time to spend plotting and attempting to justify infringing a fundamental, Constitutionally-protected right with the sequester rising up before them like a tidal wave. Priorities send a message. What does theirs tell you?
3 months ago
>>>paranoid to suggest that Feinstein, et. al. want you disarmed before the bottom drops out<<<
Maybe a little, Roberta. But only a little.
Priorities send a message. What does theirs tell you?
That they know in a just world they'd be facing tribunals, and want to make sure that can't happen.
I keep telling people I don't expect to collect a dime of social security. I'm only paying into it grudgingly because my Mom is collecting.
And I really want to empty my 401(k) before the gummint nationalizes it. But nobody thinks that's a good idea but me.
We are being played by both sides, if history has anything to say. The "cuts" won't do anything Obama doesn't want them to do. And the Republicans will back down like spineless worms at the hint of 1/10 of the bad press Woodward is getting.
The hardest hit will be DOD. HALF the cuts come out of their Budget, the other Half out of several hundred other Agencies, who only lose 2% PER AGENCY.
So when the Crane, Indiana Facility lays off half their work force, or half the Navy's Carriers are tied to the Pier because they can't afford to deploy them, we shouldn't worry?
Oh, wait, they've ALREADY parked the Carriers....
They don't give a rats ass about us, THAT is what I'm getting from their actions...
I had a new word pop into my head today- "sequestrian"- one who rides the political benifits of the current crisis for their own enjoyment.
Feel free to use it or modify the definition as you see fit. I am not snarky enough to put it to good use.
As has been noted many times, the government is an expert at breaking your legs and then handing you a pair of crutches while telling everyone how well their aid to the needy programs are working. All while stealing the money from the productive class to do all the above. Talk about a vicious circle.
Not paranoid. Historically accurate.
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