Only 21st-Century style, in which you don't quite admit you're invading. So, is another European War in the offing? Will the have the wit to stay out? --Or is it "...toe-to-toe with the Russkis" time?
Quick, Hollywood! Time to dust off Red Dawn, reshuffle locations and warring forces and get it out before the recruitment drives begins! Hooboy, rationing an' central control an' fun, fun, fun. Or perhaps another work of fiction applies? Oceania has always been at war with Eurasia, haven't we?
2 months ago
Presumably 6th Fleet is stepping up their readiness state.
A quick Google search indicates that the carrier strike group assigned to the 6th fleet AOR is the USS George HW Bush. That would be a curious historical coincidence if things go pear-shaped.
Just like the US .gov had the wit to stay out of Sudentenland. Good thing that little dust up didn't expand into a much much bigger and harder to solve problem, after.
Y'know, I wish my lebensraum was a little bigger, too, but I don't invade my neighbor's yard to accomplish that.
That said, while I wish the Ukrainians all possible luck, I'm really not prepared to risk American lives and treasure to come to their aid.
What fuzzy said. Tired of being world police. Understand the ramifications of not being world police. Let someone else deal with it this time.
Well no one cared about the last European war. I don't see why they would care anymore about this one. Except for some imaginary bullets flying over Hillary's head we weren't involved either. Mabry we should send the current Secretary of State over there to get equal combat experience.
There's a quote that Jerry Pournelle is fond of trotting out, that is often attributed to John Quincy Adams: "We are the friends of liberty everywhere, but the guardians only of our own."
I don't think it really matters whether we have the wit to "stay out of it", since I do not believe that the current mis-administration has the slightest bit of wit to handle such a situation competently.
Or the nerve.
Tough noogies for the Captive Nations. We did nothing to help Georgia, we will do nothing to help the Ukraine. We weren't going to go to war for them in the Fifties, despite some interesting history involving the CIA. Who seriously thinks we will?
I have a hard time imagining
modern-day Hollywood as being anything like the one that contributed to the war effort during World War Two. All this sad, brutal parade has done is prompt more cheap talk from a man who owes his dazzling high office to cheap talk. There will be more, this country has rewarded him for it during his entire life.
Mike James
NJT: we could'a sat back and nuked 'em after the dust settled. Would have saved no small amount of trouble.
Actually we did help Georgia, there were quiet US SF training missions sent there after the Russians invaded and occupied South Ossetia. A lot of equipment somehow ended up in Georgian hands too.
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