...Went in yesterday afternoon with what has, thus far, proven to be a minor heart attack. Caught well in time, the blockage was completely cleared by simple (? !) catheterization and she was resting comfortably (i.e., fast asleep with good blood pressure and oxygenation) when I left her room late last night.
Quite a scare. Mom had been feeling poorly but had been chalking it up to mere fret and worry and telling herself "just get yourself in gear and get busy!" Now, at least, she and her offspring know what symptoms to watch out for.
I'll be headed back to the hospital today. She'll be in for the next three days. It helps to have someone around.
Update: Spent much of today at the Heart Center. Mom's looking a lot better, able to eat a bit, they even took her for a short walk! Quite a few vistors, too.
My thanks to everyone for the kind wishes and prayers.
The docs did put in a stent, which totally cleared the blockage. This is not a procedure they put you under to do, so Mom's kind of hazing along and the cardiac specialist is talking to his team: "Okay, here we are, h'mmm, did I get into the right artery?"
Mom from under the sheet, "You'd sure better have!"
Highfalutin' M.D., "...[stunned silence]...."
That's my Mom!
2 months ago
Oh dear...I hope MomX will be busy and in gear soon. In the mean time, dote on her (and yourself) - you both'll need it after a fright like that.
Godspeed on her recovery
Hoping for a quick recovery.
My mom had a heart attack four years ago. She spent a week in the hospital but she's fine now. She has to take a lot of blood pressure meds but she's still independent, drives and travels abroad. She made a full recovery, and she's 82 now.
Thinking good thoughts and sending positive energy to Indy.
I sure hope yer Mom feels better, right quick like.
Roberta, Our thoughts and prayers are with your mom for a speedy recovery
Wow! Glad to hear this was discovered in time. Ain't modern technology great? Too bad the power generated to run this stuff causes so much global warming. :)
My thoughts are with you and MomX and praying for a speedy recovery.
Good luck to you all.
Glad to hear she is doing well, Roberta!
I'm glad to hear she's OK and it's wonderful that you're close enough to help her.
I hope she starts feeling tip-top again soon.
Best wishes for you and your mom; it sounds like she's one of the lucky ones.
Good luck to her; I had an attack almost three years ago that required a stent; I'm still getting over it. Take good care of her.
I'm relieved to hear it was just a scare. You take care of yourself and know that you & yer ma will remain in my thoughts. I hope her recovery is remarkably swift and complete.
I'm glad to hear that she's doing well.
Are you hanging in there OK?
Me? I'm fine. Not enjoyin' havin' another parent in hospital but it truly does appear that Mom's heart issues are about as small as they could be and still be issues.
Be that as it may, we lost Dad just this past Spring. "Broken-hearted" is more than a mere figure of speech.
Wonderful it worked out. Ain't modern medicine great?
Gotta love the feistiness.
Wow, scary! glad to hear she is doing well.
Sounds as though the apple didn't fall far from the tree.
Best of luck to her.
Wonderful news!
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