First they give us PSH-er par excellence Paul Helmke and now, this: Fear of turnip. Maybe there's something in the water?
Meanwhile, Texans are, at least, a little better at knowing what they've found, if not so wise in choosing where to take it: Here, desk sergeant, please accept this token of my esteem.
Conclusion: let's try to stay with horseshoes for the rest of the year, okay?
2 months ago
It's a well-known Mafia sign:
"Luca Brazzi sleeps with the turnips."
We say "PSH", but the French, as usual, put it so elegantly:
"pantalon avec l'hystérie de merde"
Turk - shouldn't that be "sans de merde?"
sorry- was thinking of "shitless." My mal.
Muy malo? ;)
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