Dear Mr. Pat: The next time you set yourself to criticize the other fellow's religion, you might want to pick one with less of a revenge toolkit!
(Link shamelessly stolen from Radley Balko).
About all this business of makin' deals with Dark Side an' late-hit smiting and so on and so forth: I don't care if it was the work of Pat Robertson's G-d (who does not appear to be the same Big Guy they tried to tell us about at my Sunday School), Gaia feelin' vaporous, Poseidon, a vodoun godling feelin' frisky or the sudden release of tectonic tension; we can't do anything about those things. We can dig folks out from under, both literally and figuratively, and we can send along plenty of extra shovels, too. The G-ds can sort their ownselves out, us humans have actual work to do.
(I leave the vowel out so they will leave me alone. This $DEITY-bothering business, it gets outta hand way too easy to suit me. YMMV, but at your own risk!)
2 months ago
What is a HUGE crap weasel, Alex?
Oh sorry, when you said 'Pat Robertson' I thought this was Jeopardy, YOU were Trebek, and I had to phrase my answer in the form of a question.
The judges would also have accepted, "huge festering crap weasel."
They also would have accpeted, "What is a religious fallacy equivalent to Danny Glover blaming the earthquake on global warming?"
TW: "winicer" as in "You can winugly or winmean but it is generally better to winicer."
520 bucks for that doll as of 1139 MST.
I agree with your central point, a lot of people seem to waste a lot of energy being cheerleaders for their imaginary best friend when they could be doing something a little more pragmatic.
"I'll take 'The Rapishtsh' for 500 dollarsh, Alexsh."
"That's 'THERAPISTS', Mr. Connery..."
'Scope, the side points are, well, side issues.
To people in general: believe any blame thing you want, or nothing at all; what counts to the rest of us is what you do.
Thankfully, I have long ago learned that blogs are not keyboard-safe.
What a riot! (Bidding is up to $750.) Not only cannot I afford it, what would one do with the soul of Pat Robertson if one purchased the thing?
It'd likely be a smallish target.
I sent $10 bux to our red cross. Then sent $25 to the Canadian Red Cross. The Canuckistani Gubbermnt matched my contribution with tax money they stole offn their proles.
Go to top banner.
Let's help Haiti, and bankrupt Canada, so they have to become our next 7-8 states....
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