Because a cat has horked on the keyboard. Very seriously. Cat seems happy, keyboard needs to be taken alllll apart and scrubbed. (Fear not, I've still got the Eee).
Congrats to Scott Brown of MA, btw. Now lets see what he does with it -- if the guy can yank the rug out from under the nationalsocializing of health care, I'll like him.
2 months ago
Ewww - I made some roast chicken and had to contend with my Celtic dog. "Puddles O'Drool". Seriously, it took a whole bounty towel to clean up the mess.
Sorry about your keyboard, I have been told that they can be run through a dishwasher, perhaps on the upper rack. Horkage seems to be a cat thing. When Rocket Baby is suddenly taken by the need, I sometimes see her looking around to see if she's missed any spots in range and steer her away from fresh targets-"No, not that way!" (scoot lateral).
WV-pstree-that's mostly a dog thing.
I can always tell when my own cat is about to engage in horkage. She isn't a vocal cat normally, but when the hork is on her she lets out a loud, plaintive meeooooooow! before the ejecta appears.
It's pretty well-designed for cleaning. Despite a decent key feel, the thing uses a rubberoid membrane; the stems of the keycaps are snapped through (and retained in) close-fitting holes and very little liquid makes it through. All I had to do was remove the top of the keyboard, clean the base a little, and scrub the top in the kitchen sink with dish soap. Drying it takes the most time.
Well, no wonder!
You've been forcing the poor dear to use the Indy Star and apparently she accidentally read an editorial.
"Because a cat has horked on the keyboard. Very seriously."
What happened, did you have HuffPo showing on the monitor?
I could have been worse. The cat could have horked right into the vent over the CPU, thus ruining the motherboard. Ask me how I know this.
...which reminds me: I should record the next episode of cat horkage to use as my Windows startup sound.
Old Grouch wins the Internets!
Mycroft: Of course! I should have knowed!
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