It was, counting yr. crspndt., Lucky 13 at the Indy BlogMeet, with several new or infrequent visitors.
We met at Claddagh and this particular one has a nice octagonal corner room with a nice round table (with a lazy susan in the center, hooray!); starting clockwise from the entry, we had Joanna, Brigid, loyal reader Kerry, Uncle Jay, The Jack, Midwest Chick, Tam (at 13 o'clock!), Mr. B, Old Grouch, stalwart reader Don, Karl Ushanka, Old NFO and finally, me at 6:00 with my back to the door, last to arrive (but very well defended -- besides, how better to leave this world than face-down in a plate of corned beef and cabbage?).
Discussion was wide-ranging, though with several pilots (and engineers in related fields) present, there was a lot of talk of aircraft and of the various things people have doe with them -- or tried to do. Karl offered up a pair of his famous hats to the two attendees who correctly answered a perhaps not so trivial trivia question: which two of Lenin's four promises to the Russian people were repeated by a U. S. President on the campaign trail in 2008? (Do you know?) --Tam won one hat and The Jack won the other.
A splendid time. Photos will follow -- or should; I seem to have misplaced my camera. Brigid snapped several.
Afterwards, I went to my Mom's and fixed a security light, and then home where I nodded off to bed plenty early.
3 months ago
Bobbi, I hope you got my email. Car window shopping turned unexpectedly into actual car buying yesterday and I was engaged with paperwork and the transfer of massive amounts of cash at the time. Planning to make the next one :)
Thank you for putting it all together! Tam nabbed the perfect spot in the place for the group to meet.
You'll have to let us know what became of the Bacon Spam. Outside of making grilled Spamalope, I'm not sure what else to do with it.
Hey, I just send out the call and oick a place, it's the people who show up who make BlogMeets special!
Nathan, I did gt you e-mail -- and now you have to get to the next one to show off your car. ;)
Thanks again for the Indy hospitality (and the explanation about primary and overlapping colors).
Sounds like a fine time!
("oick" = "pick")
MC, I don't know how clear an explaination it was -- but once I already had cyan-trimmed shoes with yellow laces, finding magenta socks at Tarjhe' was Made Of Win! (For readers not in the know, those are the *other* three hues in TV color bars besides red, green and blue.)
Guffaw: ya shoulda' been there! (And I have to say, for a themed chain, Claddagh has nice food -- we filled that lazy susan up with 3 or 4 kindss of appetizers, just for starters.)
Aww, don't sell yourself short that makes heaping praise even more fun.
Had a dandy time.
Always nice to have a "small world" effect.
Plus.. Free Hat.
Hmm, I'll have to write my own blogpost-meet-post
It was good to see y'all again, and thanks for putting it together!!!
Thanks for the wonderful time. Next time, don't let two old aviation types sit together. I know Bridgid, but you were on the other side.
Don't stop the blog meets or the reporting on it. Y'all are in a great place for the World of Bloggers to drop by. Thanks!
Four promises? I'm not familiar with that one.
Hans, the slogan was "Land, Bread, Peace;" but the details were, the get Russia out of the Great War, bring health care to the masses, electrify the country and, yes, land.
Missed pretty bad on that last one. But hey, nothin' but net on bailin' out on the Triple Entente.
Roberta--you're a good teacher.
Don--it was great listening to your stories with NFO chiming in (or vice versa).
Bobbi, if the crick don't rise and my ever-lovin' employer doesn't expect me to start driving to DC every time I turn around (as I am afraid is likely to happen since our senior ops guy is retiring on Thursday), I'll be there :)
TOO much fun! Great to meet everybody!
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