I don't. My actual project at work is going very badly, all but the tower work. I'm doing long days, with zero quiet hometime. And even with earplugs, the very noisy environment of the North campus is causing migraines every evening. And the house is a mess, and the holidays are coming, and there's other deadlined projects that I can't work yet on but have to get done by the first of the year...
Plus my Big Date of the year is approaching (New Year's Eve) and as usual, I have nothing to wear and think I'm not looking at all good.
All of this tends to leave me frazzled and ready to get tempery -- which I have done, making matters even more stressful.
Let's see, other projects: the current story arc at I Work On A Starship is at a standstill until I can print out the story thus far and (re)-diagram the plot. I know where I'm going but it's taken some turns I had not planned.
The holiday story -- I've done one every year -- is only half an idea. I was going to do it at lunchtimes but instead I find myself taking 15 minutes to eat and 15 to process comments.
My library is still not entirely shelved, even leaving the "To Be Read" stack out of the process. This means the dining room is still crowded and the tabletop is deeeeeeeply buried. MUST dig out from under. Dunno when.
But the heat, lights and water is on, my car is paid for and I am (looks ruefully at waistline) not missing any meals. Might as well try to be happy, it's not any more work than the opposite.
2 months ago
You are as lovely s ever and it will all get done. Leave us to fend for ourselves if time grows short!
Try facing the prospect of throwing a Christmas party in the house on Saturday, the place is a wreck, and I can't even start cleaning because most of the stuff laying around is my wife's and I have no idea where it goes, and she's so tied up with work because it's the end of the year that she can't even get a decent night's sleep, much less help out.
But, on the other hand, the weekend approaches, recipes await, the wine is already chilling, and all will be well.
Hope that you feel better and that the noise abates.
My wife looks ruefully at her waistline and then makes a negative comment. I have a complete "does not compute" reaction to that. I don't object to the extra couple of pounds. I didn't object to the extra several dozen years ago. I love her more than anything and would wrap my arms around her middle and hold her forever no matter what.
Don't let the extra few pounds bother you. They don't bug me :-) and I doubt that they bother anyone else.
Merry Christmas!
You're as lovely as ever, whether it all gets done or not.
Do the important stuff and let the rest well, rest.
If you aren't happy, I am a bit sad, but you have been making me and a few others very happy. Thanks, and you will never get out from under the books, nor will they be more organized than always the last place you looked for it. So many books so little time...
Happy Holy days, and a Prosperous and Generous New Year!
Do you still have the bangs
You probably already know They Might be Giants (the great dweeb band)
You look great (or at least you did on Saturday)!
Constant migraines will put a pall on everything though and make it seem worse.
This may not help but we've just started piling books next to the shelves and they are growing. This is after we turned an entire room into a library but yet the books are piling up in the living room....
Definitely better looking than me. And, if necessary, I'll re-read your older stuff. I had cluster migraines for years, they're bad.
I'm hoping its nothing but Holiday blues because I'm wishing you and your roomie well.
Aw, c'mon, kids, I distinctly remember closing with, "Might as well try to be happy, it's not any more work than the opposite."
Holiday blues, it ain't. I'm getting beat up by projects at work, the scheduling of which is highly inconvenient and on a shorter timeline than I'd like. Plus there's now one major and two minor due-by-first-of-the-year projects, only one of which I can phone in. And I'm a bit over $500 out of pocket, which they will deny if I don't turn it in in a timely manner.
--And if I realllly don't like it, I can always go look for other work. They don't own me, they only rent my time.
Latest adventure has FedEx losing a custom part. Misdelivered twice. And not to the wrong 1000' guyed tower, either.
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