The antis say I carry a gun because I'm scared; I carry a gun because I don't want to have to be afraid.
They say because I carry a gun, I think I'm the master of every situation; I carry just so I won't be overmastered by events.
They say because I carry a gun, I'll take unnecessary risks; instead, carrying a gun makes me more determined to avoid risks.
They say anyone who carries a gun is aching to deal death; in reality, carrying a gun makes me take care to minimize the chance of ever having to use it.
I carry a gun so my last thought won't be, "If only I was armed...."
2 months ago
Correctamundo! The anti's do much projecting, eh?
I used to reply to statements of that nature by asking if owning a fire extinguisher means that one is hoping for an opportunity to use it. Does it cause risky behaviors with regards to matches and lighters?
Of course no amount of reasoned debate is likely to have any effect on the folks who have made up their minds and the facts be damned.
I carry because I'm not wealthy and can't afford to pay someone else to carry it for me (in the form of bodyguards).
I carry because I'm not politically connected (like, say, DiFi or ChuSchu)and am unwilling to force other people to pay someone else to carry it for me (in the form of Secret Service protective details).
Yup, here's how it (didn't) go down for me: (pls pardon the gratuitous self-link).
They say I enjoy shooting and own a rifle because of anxiety about the size of my penis--I wonder why the wet-diaper human toothache anti-fun Left spends so much time obsessing about gun owner's willies.
Mike James
I carry because the Barbarians aren't at the Gate, they're walking amongst us. Only the Civilized respect the Rule of Law.
Well said.
In general the anti's don't want to face reality and can't understand those of us that do.
I carry 'cause a cop is too heavy?
I carry because it is nice and shiny, and because the 1911 has caused more communists grief than any other firearm I can conceal.
(Mrs. gave me get a SA stainless 1911 for early xmas present!)
"God made man but Samuel Colt made them equal."
This also applies to women!
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