As a gunnie, I suppose I'm supposed to make some comment about the vile -- and deservedly dead -- jerk who shot at least seven people at a Sikh temple recently.
But I'm not mentioning him by name, or even a cute nickname; let's talk (generally) about the people he targeted, instead.
Sikhs are monotheists with a tradition of self-reliance, hard work and helpfulness. Mind you, as individuals they're no more angelic than any other group of people; but their faith encourages good works, often in ways that are deliberately inclusive. Take, for instance, the throwaway line in news reports that people at the temple that day were in the process of "preparing a meal." Y'know what that most probably was? A langar, a particularly open-handed kind of free lunch: simple and vegetarian, so most anyone can eat it, no matter their faith; diners sit in long rows, with no special spots or "head of the table" -- and, if I read correctly, no table, either. It's open to everybody and you don't even have to sing any hymns -- show up, sit down next to your fellowman and get fed, period; the only subtext is to reinforce that the other guy ain't so very different from you.
Ponder the kind of miserable, screwed-up rat who would go in and shoot up people in the process of doing that. I suppose there's lower but it's utterly despicable.
Which is why I'm not naming the shooter in any way. While we must never forget that there are indeed plenty of people so evil or damaged that they will do such things, don't make 'em famous. Erase their names and identities from history.
3 months ago
Sikhs always struck me as interesting people. I'd like to know more about the traditions surrounding their knives. The only thing I've ever heard, which could be a cultural misunderstanding, is that they strap them on as a reminder that they are warriors who must aid the defenseless.
I always thought that sounded a bit like us, really.
A lot of Sikhs seen to gravitate toward truck driving. I got to meet a few in my driving days. When you are a driver, there is no cultural barrier. All of the ones I met and talked to were intelligent and nice people (truck drivers speak a universal language). I don't understand why anyone would want to do something like this.
Introduction of even more gun control laws in 3,2,1.....
Yeah, I'm getting sick of the "Nutjob of the Week" making the news for a Mass Shooting myself.
But I'm gonna name a Name. Did you know Matt Emmons of Team USA just won Bronze in Men's 3 Position Rifle? Did it with a Final Score of 99.3. The Gold Medal Winner did it with a Final of 98.5. But unlike Gymnastics, they keep the Qualifying Scores, so Matt only gets Bronze.
And do you want to take a bet that they'll be more News Coverage of the Nutjob than Matt will ever get?
Silly me. Shouldn't even break out my Wallet.
But if we don't name him, how are we supposed to vilify the nasty evil gun, that just jumped into his hand and made him kill these innocent victims.
I propose that all individuals or groups in that rare case be referred to as "That Jackass" or "Those Jackasses" respectively. If further clarification is needed use "That Jackass in WI" with the in referring to the location of the event.
Hear her! Hear her!
The Sikh religion emerged as a power from the independent people of Sindh, who were beset in a crucible of conflict, surrounded by warlike Hindus on one side and warlike Muslims on the other side - and in self-defense a weapon was to be worn at all times.
In India a majority of the cab-drivers are Sikh since it's an individual and entrepreneurial job, and in Northern California a lot of the truck-drivers are Sikh. They're good people.
And so now The Won is calling for "soul searching" on guns.
CNN interviewed a Sikh calling for people to visit this Sunday's Langar.
I plan on attending the one in Durham, NC
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