"Astronaut Neil Young, First Man On The Moon, Dead at 82," reported the venerable National Broadcasting Corporation.
Who knew -- and him a Canadian, yet, and propelled by little more than good wishes, possibly an herb. Why'd we ever bother to stick three pilots atop a Saturn V?
Geez. First man on the moon dies, and NBC's clever lads are suffering too badly from brain-gleet to sit down and punch in, "Neal, first man on moon" into a search engine?
I'm wondering if the day will come when no living man will have set foot on the Moon? At this point, I wouldn't even care a whole lot if he spoke Mandarin.
2 months ago
The link to a Yahoo article describes him as "commander of the 1969 Apollo 11 mission and the first of two men ever to walk on the moon." By the time I clicked on the article, it had been fixed, but the link still showed the wording that said only two men had ever walked on the moon. I'm not sure anyone under about forty remembers anything about the Apollo program.
I enjoyed the blogmeet I made it to. Perhaps sometime my travels will take me that way again.
An herb, heh!
I'm sorry I missed the blogmeet as well. I'll try to make the next one.
He landed under a harvest moon.
Wait until Buzz Aldrin gets a hold of them. He's pretty feisty for an old guy. I've always loved the video of Buzz cold-cocking the guy who denied man landed on the moon.
I think this expresses my thoughts on this pretty well. Make sure you read the mouse-over.
Wow. Neil Young on the moon, eh? Maybe that guitar will finally sound good. :P
Well, considering that the last men on the moon returned in late December 1972, which is just 4 months shy of 40 years ago, I'm not surprised. I doubt someone 47 would have much first hand memory of those events.
And ol' Buzz punched the guy because he thought he was giving and autograph, after which the guy said he'd signed an affidavit admitting the moon landing was a hoax. It would be hard for me to limit myself to one blow.
Has Mr. Aldrin belted anyone else? I see that the on line video is of someone harassing him, not asking for an autograph, so I will have to inform my source of this important distinction.
IMO, Buzz Aldrin hasn't slugged nearly as many people as have had it coming. He's a patient, patient man. We really ought to pay someone to hit people for him.
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