Update: A commenter complained that he couldn't make a contribution without sharing personal information. Wrong! I kicked in $3 via PayPal. You do have to give 'em an e-mail address, but it doesn't have to be the same as your PayPal addy. It can be a freebie dropbox, or even a fake. (dev.null is your friend.) That's all it takes.
Claire Wolfe linked to a report of The Oatmeal's efforts to raise funds to buy the Wardenclyffe site and convert Tesla's old lab building into a museum for the father of the AC motor -- and AC power.
He's raised plenty, but your $3 or more wouldn't hurt any. The site has been in danger of being bulldozed ever since Peerless Photo Products moved out in the 1980s. We can help save it! Tom Edison may've lit up your life, but it took Tesla to figure out how to get the juice that runs the bulb from where it was cheap to where you could use it.
...Now, if we can just convince 'em to rebuild the old tower and the huge Tesla coil-like gadget that was going to feed it....
2 months ago
Thanks for the gentle shove to do something good. I knew that Tesla liked the number 3. I have to wonder if that makes him a threeper?
OOOH ! Megawats of broadcast power, you got a key with really big contacts? 73
OOOH ! Megawats of broadcast power, you got a key with really big contacts? 73
You know...the story goes that Tesla caused Tunguska.* This guy is particularly rabid on the subject. Very amusing, I might add; I thought conspiracy nuts of that stripe generally spent their time attacking the Freemasonic Illuminati.
*Not that there's anything wrong with that.
Fuzzy, Paul Malmont has a great deal of fun with that in his latest novel.
I'd love to contribute, but there is no way to just give the $3 without becoming involved in "perks" and disclosing personal information. If they cannot figure out how to just receive my $3 then I am not going to give it to the, And yes, I am grumpy - it's what I do for a living. P
stay safe.
Roberta, Scott Westerfeld did the same in one of his recent novels too. (Goliath, third in the Leviathan dieselpunk trilogy.)
Peace Ray!
Skidmark: have you considered mailing them a dollar?
Okay, I guess I won't ask if you've read The Astounding, the Amazing, and the Unknown: A Novel, yet.
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