Tomorrow is the anniversary of a day that lives in infamy -- as it should; not only was it a sneak attack that ranks with Pearl Harbor, it's the day "just give them what they want and things will work out" was completely disproved and the efficacy of vigorous resistance in limiting damage done was demonstrated.
And the day a lot of innocent people were murdered by criminals; except in his own mind, a criminal is all a "terrorist" is.
It bothers me when we give such criminals the dignity of soldiers; it bothers me when we've let them swipe a whole day from the calendar.
And it bothers me a lot when the lamestream media drape the day in deep black and use it to tell us we've got to bend ourselves to the State; that the State was attacked, and the State responded, and only the State can protect us from the awful scourge of superstitious goat-herders....
That's all nonsense. Illusion. Individuals were attacked; individuals made up their own mind to respond and took action -- on Flight 93, at the World Trade Center before and after the fall, at the Pentagon: it was individuals.
You want to take time to remember them tomorrow, you do that; just remember collective mourning has no more objective reality than collective guilt, and those sad, sad faces on the TV are there to sell you the same toothpaste, new cars and underarm deodorant as every other morning; they'd bite the heads off chickens, if it tested well in focus groups.
2 months ago
"they'd bite the heads off chickens, if it tested well in focus groups."
CLASSIC! Describes so much that we get from media/politcs/gov't do-gooders and lately federal and supreme court....
Roberta nails it again.
Don Henley said it quite well.
"We got the bubble-headed-bleach-blonde who comes on at five. She can tell you 'bout the plane crash with a gleam in her eye"
Do any of you boys and girls know what the carney term is for a person who bites the heads off of chickens??
Yes. yes, I do. What's it to ya?
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