I love 'em on a plate with green veggies and a baked potato.
The idiots did not disappoint! --The now-updated story includes this gem of a quote: "...it wouldn't be a true hunt. It would be a killing..." because the deer at Eagle Creek Park are acclimated to humans.
Why, yes, that would be the case; it would be a killing, or a culling. There are too many deer for the park to support. We can either manage them now, or watch them starve out over the winter. Starve in a natural way, as any population of deer without a check on their increase will.
Remember, guys like that vote, too. Make sure you do, if only to cancel his poor choices.
2 months ago
Well, as a hunter, I obviously have ZERO problem with this. The only time 'cull hunts' like this make me mad is when a township hires a 'professional' to come in at night with a silenced starlight scoped .223 to take care of things under the cover of darkness. They end up spending money for something hunters would PAY for the honor of doing.
Years ago, I lived in Kentucky. There was a similar, ill-conceived ban on hunting in (IIRC) state parks, with the result that the deer population exploded, and then there was a mass die-off as the deer starved to death in the winter. After some wrangling and a lot of "I told you so", the ban was lifted.
People figured out that drilling Bambi with a 30-30 actually IS humane compared to him starving to death.
We had he same issue in PA. Folks built up around a park and basicly hemmed in the deer.
Newbies did not remember folks hunting on the property before it became a park and they brought in HSUS/PETA to stir the pot.
What broke the deadlock? Lymes disease cases around the park spiked. Then the same folks were saying kill them all.
I’d like to extend a very special message to the eco-wack anti-hunt meat-is-murder love-your-mother nutjobs. You know, the type of person who would seriously argue for the proposal of “seeding” the ocean with iron to boost phytoplankton growth in an effort to combat global warming, Or would claim to understand the need for forest fires in the lifecycle of redwood trees, or the type of person who is more than willing to volunteer to put up bluebird nesting boxes in national parks in an effort to improve the habitat of these types of birds, but never less is vehemently opposed to responsible wildlife management principles that not only save the lives of people in deer-auto collisions, but also feed the homeless and hungry and result in a healthier whitetail population. In addition, hunting teaches responsible firearm ownership and is the only management tool that actually adds money to the state coffers rather than ending up as red budget ink.
I know that you don’t like seeing the cute little bambi thingys killed, but it’s time to set your emotional knee-jerk reactions aside and be a responsible steward of the earth, like you claim to want to be.
No one is sticking a gun in your hand and forcing you to do the culling, but as that "responsible steward of the earth" you need to realize that a stressed whitetail population is far more susceptible to parasites and sickness such as Chronic Wasting Disease, or Epizootic Hemorrhagic Disease, and you need to allow the best management principals to occur.
My ex-in-laws live in Georgia.Ex-step-dad's parents were the owners of a small town grocery/general/hardware store. Long story short, both of my ex-in-laws would get a state sportsmans license every year. Neither hunted.
Since I only hunt for meat, I have no problem with any kind of non-sporting hunting.
I obey the legal seasons and requirements. Other than that, whatever puts meat in the fridge is OK with me.
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