I've yet to work up nerve to lend them a copy of At The Mountains Of Madness. Do you think they know? And if so, why aren't they deeply, deeply worried?
2 months ago
The further and continuing adventures of the girl who sat in the back of your homeroom, reading and daydreaming.
Maybe they have... protection.
At least we have an explanation of why The Gnome ran away. He saw this and decided he did not want to have even a bit part in a Lovecraft story.
Not familiar with Lovecraft. So I feel comfortable saying I don't understand why that leaning tower hasn't fallen over. But then I've been to Knots Berry Farm and watched water run up hill, so nothing surprises me.
You haven't perchance heard any evening calls of "tekeli-li" from the house?
After all, what better yard decoration for the suburban antropomorphic Shoggoth than the preserved corpse of an elder thing.
H'mmm, you may be onto something, Joe -- there's been a rash of lost dogs in the neighborhood of late....
Today I picked up a copy of "Mountains of Madness" that has been made into a passable graphic novel. Just thought I would tell you that your blog is lifting the economy.
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