I haz one. In fact, I had one for quite awhile -- in a box in the living room.
One of our little problems here at Roseholme Cottage is that Tam and I have the contents of a large apartment and a slightly larger house, all in one fairly small cottage. As neither of us is much of a housekeeper, the result is...chaotic.
And "chaotic" is being very generous.
Result, I had to build a shelf to hold the new printer, which was slow going. Got it done awhile ago, then it took two weeks to find time to put the printer on it and get my computer to recognize the printer.
With that done, I grabbed every chapter of the current novel-arc ("Frothup: Dropping In") at I Work On A Starship,* stuck them (and one more chapter you haven't seen yet) into a single file and printed it out, to proofread and summarize and -- with any luck -- to build a timeline.
When it comes to writing, I have a number of problems. The most basic is proofreading; I repeat words when writing instead of using modifiers, I type the wrong words ("for" and "from" get swapped, etc.) and make plain typos, which I often fail to see on rereading -- I'm reading what I intended to type! Worse, I lose plots; I had (some) notes for "...Dropping In," but lost 'em.
Worst of all, I write very slowly; this is mostly due to a lack of time. At one point, I was doing all my fiction writing at the lunch counter across from work. They ran steam tables and getting food was fast and effortless. Alas, the place closed about a year ago, and when it reopened this May-- There's no question the food is (generally) healthier, even the nice lean burgers they fry up on demand, but the place only has one speed and that's dead slow. I can eat there, but it takes so long to get food (even if you grab something already made from the cooler, it takes for-darn-it-ever to pay for the stuff), there's no nice, leisurely 25 minutes of writing -- and if I brown-bag it and eat at work, I'm never (ever) not interrupted. Evenings? Maybe. Tam's been all alone with the cats most of the day, though, and has much to say, a lot of it more interesting than whatever it was I was gonna write.
But maybe, with a wide-margin print-out in front of me and a pencil in hand, I can start to get somewhere.
(Readers, I am always open to *proofreading* suggestions for IWOAS. Editorial suggestions, on the other hand, are received with great skepticism unless accompanied by bona fides. Or offers of money. Cash is always nice, certified checks are just almost as good. And there's always PayPal.)
* And about IWOAS: While I have set several stories in and around the War, you'll note that they do not fit very well with the general storylines found in mil-SF. While I can read that stuff and some of it -- Marko Kloos, Heinlein, Scalzi more often than not -- is quite enjoyable, I really get quite irked at the plucky hero who starts from nothin' and comes out on top. Real people in real wars are not all that much that way; Horatio Hornblower was a wonderful character, especially in the original, but he's been done to death and cyborged back way too many times. Ed Rasimus's two books on his tours in Vietnam offer a look at the reality, or as much as that prone-to-understatement gentleman cared to share. If I do even half as well in my made-up universe, I'll be happy -- and if nobody reads it 'cos it fails to fit their expectations, I don't care. I don't write for a living; too many good people, all of them better writers than me, have died trying that.)
2 months ago