This year's pollen season is proving painful for me. Sadly, when the plants are doing their thing outside your bedroom window, throwing a bucket of water on them doesn't stop them; quite the opposite, as the Spring rains are demonstrating.
Three out of the last four mornings, I have woken up with intense sinus pain; the fourth morning was the same, only not as strong. And this despite over-the-counter allergy pills. After the second time, I tried a sinus rinse. That worked, at least it took the wosrt edge off -- and used up the last of the distilled water. Tam picked up more yesterday, which I'm looking forward to using this morning.
It might hurt, but at least the grass is green and lush, the trees are leafing out and there are flowers everywhere! And no snow. Yeah, kind of worth the tradeoff. Maybe.
2 months ago
I feel your pain, albeit without the rains (which is already shaping up to be An Issue here, Red Flag warnings already issued for at least three counties.) Spent last weekend dealing with lawn, hedge, tree-pruning, and encroaching blackberry bushes, and wound up missing two days of work. (If you know anyone that likes blackberries, I have some bushes they can have...)
I've taken to taking OTC allergy pills and OTC "Sinus/Cold" pills, and the combo (which I haven't run by my doc)seems to keep me going on high-pollen days with few difficulties.
There's an area in western Mass and upper Conneticuit call the Conneticuit River Valley. When I was a kid, my Grandmother lived there, and when we went for a visit, we'd hit the ridge leading down into the valley and my sinuses would start shutting down, and after about a hour visiting, Id go off and find a bed and crash until it was time to leave. Until I went into service and ended up in Thailand for 22.5 months and basically burned out sinus cavities from plant spooge overload.
I used to live on the Central Oregon Coast.
I knew several people who had moved there to reside on ocean front property due to pollen allergies.
There are only a few days a year when the winds are not on-shore and since kelp does not have a pollen bloom they avoided the allergy season.
And a bonus!
No mosquitos!
There is enough salt in the air that mosquito larvae cannot survive in standing water until you get several hundred yards away from the ocean.
I hate mosquitos.
The big drawback are the molds. Due to the constant dampness molds flourish. Wifmann had to get weekly allergy injections to ward off allergies to the molds. We moved. Beautiful place to live.
Maybe a Spring/Summer residence with a winter's quarters in a southern clime if the book sales take off?
I hope you do not have to resort to medical treatment to get through the spring.
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