I'll tell you what would make me happy: the entire United States Congress and all of their staffs, out of work and lined up at highway exits, panhandling -- and getting darned little except the occasional thrown nickel.
Sure, it's cruel, arbitrary and unfair, but hey, "as ye sow, so shall ye reap." 'Scroom. Down to the last and least of 'em. Time for a new and less-entrenched band of crooks, nitwits and schemers.
1 month ago
Right there with you. Vote em all out. Sentence them to 10 years of panhandling, god know's they've got the experience for it. Picking up trash on the side of the roads would be more constructive use for them.
If I had my way - you'd get one term in office - ONE. Want to be governor - fine one term and you're done - no senate, no congress, DONE.
I suppose I'd make an exception at the county level - you might move from a county seat to state or federal but ONE term.
Of course that'll never fly, so I'm willing to compromise - how about two terms in any particular level, local, state, federal. I'd be sort of okay with that.
I still think serving a second term as President ought to include the death penalty at the end of the second term.
How fast can I be going when I throw the roll of nickels? I figure if the car is going around 75mph and I can throw the roll about 65-70 mph, hmmn, need to get the weight of the nickels to finish the math...
I'll be more than happy to give them some nickels.
One at a time.
Using my slingshot.
Erik in Colo.
Bobbi -- I think the death penalty for a second Presidential term is a bit harsh. If the President steps down quietly and goes home to his farm and STFUs for the rest of his life, then the sentence should be commuted.
This would still have rid us of Carter and Clinton, so we'd be well ahead.
I say institute the Draft: When your number comes up for [whatevertheofficemightbe}, you have just about NO choice in the matter, you go, serve your term, and return to your previous life. Obviously, there's details to be worked out, but how much worse off would we be with Matilda Johnson as head of the Senate instead of Harry Reid?
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